Page 29 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 29

was a spruce grove.
            John  vaguely  remembered  his  father  explaining  the
        importance of getting a fir tree, but he couldn't remember
        why. Spruce trees are nice and green and even bushier. He
        walked around, sizing up potential candidates. He zoned in
        on one. It was the right height. He circled twice and assured
        himself it would be fine. He made quick work of chopping it
        down and rejoined his young brother, waiting patiently in the
            They loaded the tree on the sled and made for home. The
        snow  was  blowing  horizontally  across  their  path.  John
        doubled his effort and, using the railway tracks as a guide,
        they arrived at the top of the hill. He began to pick his way
        down but, several times, stumbled and fell. He was suddenly
        tired and angry with himself and everybody. He just wanted
        to get home safely. He panicked as he felt the rope slacken,
        fearing his brother had fallen off. Chris appeared beside him,
        gathering the rope in his hands. They restarted, taking turns
        acting as guides.                                      speed and volume.
            The boys made steady progress until the lights from their  The next morning, we stopped in the living room to
        home came into view. Minutes later, Chris placed the tree on  admire our previous night's work and to size up our presents
        the verandah while John stowed away the sleds and axe.  under the tree. Holding the carefully wrapped gifts, our hands
        Mother greeted them on the porch. "Thank God, you are ok.  came away sticky with spruce sap and pieces of tissue paper.
        I didn't think it would get this bad."                 The gooey mixture had covered everything in its path like
            "Chris was a great help guiding and pulling. We make a  some festive lava.
        good team.” John said, sharing a smile and wink with his   Adding to the sappy chaos was our family cat, Ash. She
        brother as they stepped into the warm kitchen and the aroma  usually slept beside the wood furnace (hence her name). But
        of freshly baked bread with supper on the table.       when she heard her humans the previous night, she had come
            Mom gathered the family later and announced, the tree  up  the  stairs  and  slid  silently  behind  the  tree.  Now  she
        would be put up that night. The boys went to the attic and  emerged, smeared in spruce resin. She tried unsuccessfully
        returned with boxes of worn ornaments and lights. Soon, the  to  lick  the  nasty-tasting  glue  off  her  fur.  Getting  no
        yuletide  jewel  was  adorned. The  room  was  filled  with  a  satisfaction,  she  sprang  to  the  tree  top  to  consider  her
        rainbow of soft colours.                               situation. As the center of gravity shifted with her weight, the
            "It is beautiful. Great job, kids, on the decorating and  tree and Ash cascaded onto Mom and us. Feline and human
        thank you, John and Chris, for getting such a handsome tree!"  howls joined together in a most unholy Christmas chorus.
        said Mother. Chris swelled with pride. "Time for bed." Each  Later that day Dad came home to find John and Chris
        of us, in turn, said good night to Mom, and as she did every  brooding over their turn of fortune. “Boys, I'm proud of how
        night, she responded, "God Bless."                     you took care of each other in the storm. Here are two dollars,
            Spruce is known for its plentiful thick sap; it has a corn  get yourselves a treat.”
        syrup consistency when warmed to room temperature. That    With wide grins, the brothers put on their winter boots
        night, it slowly began to run from beneath the bark, gathering  and coats and headed out into the early evening.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  29
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