Page 34 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 34

WTF is Happiness?

                       Robbie Tucker’s 4th Album in Less than a Year

                          The first thought                                           I genuinely love making music,
                       I had for this project                                     though it continues to become more
        was when the album title came to                                          and more difficult for me. It's been
        me. Right away, I felt this would be                                      nearly 20 years now that I've been
        worth my time and effort. I had no                                        living with Parkinson's disease and
        other  ideas,  no  songs,  and  no                                        the ever-evolving deterioration of
        previously written material in mind.                                      my  physical  abilities  leaves  me
        I  was  starting  in  the  middle  of                                     wondering how much longer I'll be
        nowhere and, as of late, that's my                                        able to do it. I'm pretty sure that's
        favourite place to begin.                                                 why I don't stop. There is a surgical
            But  where  exactly  do  I  start?                                    procedure  known  as  DBS  on  the
        Well,  I  pick  up  my  guitar  or  sit                                   horizon which has the potential to
        down  at  the  piano,  open  my                                           give me back a percentage of lost
        recording software, click record and                                      function, but I won't know until I
        make  something  up  for  3  or  4  minutes.  This  is  my have the surgery what those results will be.
        blueprint, and it's what my ideas will hang on to as we    This is my fourth album release in less than a year
        embark on this adventure together. From there, with no and one that I'm extremely proud of. If you've somehow
        boundaries or restrictions, I allow my creativity to take found your way to this page, I hope your ears discover
        control. Making a conscience effort not to veer off the happiness, anger, sadness, humour or some other human
        path of the skeleton I've just created.                emotion that ultimately connects us all.
            As  with  any  new  album,  I  attempt  to  create     Musically Medicated,
        something interesting. Something that hopefully will       Robbie Tucker
        pique the listener's curiosity and have them asking why
        or what about something involving the music, lyrics or     Find Robbie’s full bio and links to music and socials
        vocal style. If you're listening to any of my albums, I here:
        never want you to hear the same song twice. By that, I
        mean two songs that sound alike.

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