Page 30 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 30

Here’s to Your Health at MCCSC

        By Deanna Gadd, Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club

            Many children can’t wait for the
        first snowfall, and then play outdoors
        throughout the winter. Adults - not so
        much.  At  the  Miramichi  Cross
        Country  Ski  Club  (MCCSC)  we
        would  like  to  invite  all  adults  and
        children to enjoy winter on our ski and
        snowshoe trails.
            Numerous studies show a benefit
        to  being  outside,  in  nature.  These
        include  reduction  in  stress  levels,
        lowering of blood pressure, enjoying
        outdoor air quality and benefits to the
        immune system. Then, there are the
        added  advantages  that  come  with
                                                                                                   Jackrabbit Lessons
        physical activity.
            The MCCSC has been a part of
        Miramichi  winters  for  almost  50
        years. Our clubhouse, right on route
        126 in Nelson, is well stocked with
        skis and snowshoes for rent, for all
        ages. Washrooms and snacks are also
            Our trail system has something for
        everyone, from a 0.3 km bunny trail
        to a 12 km trail around the Carding
        Mill Brook. The snowshoe trails are
        laid out in 1 km loops, so participants
        can choose their distance to travel as
        they  go.  The  trails  wind  through
        woodlands,  giving  good  protection
        from wind. There is a 4 km lighted                                          Atlantic Cup Biathlon Race at MCCSC

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