Page 27 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 27

Angels Remembered - Hospice Miramichi

            Angels Remembered is an occasion                                       The  Hospice  Shoppe is  an  upscale
        when    people   can   honour   the                                    resale boutique offering clothing, decor and
        remembrance of a loved one by placing                                  household items.  This social enterprise is
        an angel on our Christmas tree in the                                  the backbone of our fundraising efforts to
        Hospice  Shoppe.    It  is  a  wonderful                               provide  free  services  and  is  largely
        opportunity for the community to show                                  supported by volunteers, many of whom
        their  love,  honour  their  friends  and                              have been with us since we began 10 years
        family, and support Hospice Miramichi.                                 ago.
            The Angels Remembered campaign                                         To honour a loved one and donate to
        runs from November 13 to December                                      the Angels Remembered campaign or for
        22.  You can purchase a ribbon adorned                                 more  information  visit  The  Hospice
        with a loved one’s name, starting at just                              Shoppe at 139 Duke St. Our shop is open
        $5. Ribbons will be used to decorate                                      Monday  through  Saturday  10am  to
        the Angels Remembered Tree at the                                         4pm. You can also call 506-773-3811.
        Shoppe  this  holiday  season.  For                                           Hospice Miramichi hosts a Grief
        donations of $10 or more you will                                         Support  Group on  Thursdays  until
        receive the ribbon and a tax receipt,                                     November 30 from 6-8 pm.  For more
        plus a handcrafted angel ornament.                                        information  and  to  register  for  the
            Proceeds  support  our  free                                          sessions  please  call  506-773-7607
        services offering care, compassion,                                       email: or
        and comfort to palliative patients and                                    visit
        their families at our hospice (soon to                                    Location:  51  Lobban  Ave,  3rd  floor
        open) and in the community.                                               Boardroom.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  27
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