Page 32 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 32

All that Remains - Part Two

        David Ernest Hutchison:  A Great Miramichi Benefactor

        By:  Charlotte Loggie, Miramichi Historical Society

            David     Alexander     Ernest                                        when  he  took  the  Minister  of  Public
        Hutchison  (1847-1918)  This  second                                      Works, John Morrissy, with him. The
        son of Richard Hutchison, known all his                                   trip took over five hours, including the
        life as Ernest, was born on New Year’s                                    time  needed  to  cut  away  windfalls
        Day in 1847.                                                              (branches or tree limbs blown down).
            His  father,  Richard  (1812-1891)                                    After  this  trip,  the  Minister  pushed
        had  taken  over  Alexander  Rankin’s                                     through legislation that the road would
        lumber business in 1852 and when he                                       be “turnpiked” or paved, possibly with
        died,  the  business  of  running  R.                                     toll gates.
        Hutchison & Co. gradually devolved to                                        There is another famous Hutchison
        Ernest, and by 1890 he was the sole                                       automobile story from Mr. Jack Ullock:
        manager.  Even  though  the  need  for                                    “Hutchison  was  also  in  competition
        wooden  masts  and  timber  for                                           with Snowball to see who could put the
        shipbuilding  had  declined  severely                                     most miles on their cars. With his long
        since the mid-1800’s, the lumber trade                                    trips to the United States, Ernest won
        continued to increase as wood was still                                   each time. Each spring, Hutchison and
        a primary building material, and pulp                                     John  Miller,  who  lived  in  Millerton,
        and paper production really took off in                                   would have a race to see who would be
        North  America  from  1890  onwards.  Chatham who raced against Hutchison  the  first  to  drive  to  Newcastle.  One
        Ernest Hutchison focussed his business  and  won.  Snowball  named  his  boat  spring  the  weather  was  wet,  and  the
        on these needs, managing his father’s  Darn  Sight  Faster.  After  his  defeat,  roads  were  in  poor  shape,  but
        company for 17 more years. In 1907, he  Hutchison put his boat away and never  Hutchison  was  determined  to  get  to
                                             bothered with it again.” (Remembering
        sold it to Miramichi Lumber Company                                       Newcastle first, so he hitched a pair of
        which  was  a  subsidiary  of  the   David Alexander Hutchison, Bread ‘n’  horses  to  his  car  and  made  it  to
        International Paper Company of New   Molasses, by Janet Stothart, 2004)   Newcastle before Miller did.” (Bread
        York. The sale realized $300,000 which   Hutchison was also very interested  ‘n’ Molasses, Janet Stothart, 2004).
        in today’s money would be over nine  in the automobile. In 1906 he purchased  Hutchison’s         community
                                             a  2-cylinder  Russell  from  the
        million dollars.                                                          involvement and philanthropy are well
        Boats, Cars, and Philanthropy        Lounsbury  Co.  It  was  the  25th   documented. From starting as a County
            Ernest Hutchison was interested in  automobile to be registered that year in  Warden  to  serving  in  the  House  of
        all forms of machinery, and it has been  New Brunswick, and only the 3rd to be
        reported that he knew more about steam  registered in Miramichi. The next year,
                                             he  bought  a  50-horsepower  Royal
        mills than the engineers who ran them.
        This  interest  spilled  over  into  other  Tourist  which  could  seat  seven
        machines such as yachts, speedboats,  passengers. Royal Tourists were made
        and cars. As early as 1881, Hutchison  by  Royal  Motor  Car  Company  and
        was involved in organizing regattas on  known as big, luxurious, and reliable
                                             autos.  A  50-horsepower  vehicle  cost
        the  Miramichi  River,  where  he
        competed enthusiastically. A good story,  between  $3500  and  $4000  in  1907
        told  by  the  former  Curator  of  the  which would be somewhere north of
        Rankin  House  Museum,  Mr.  Jack    $96,000  in  today’s  money!  The
        Ullock, is as follows: “Mr. Hutchison  company’s  slogan  was  “The  Pink  of
                                             Perfection” and the Royal Tourist was
        was a very competitive man. At one time
        he  had  a  boat  he  believed  to  be  the  certainly a luxury vehicle.
        fastest on the Miramichi. He called this  Another  famous  Hutchison  story  An advertisement in McClure’s magazine in
        boat  Pretty  Damn  Quick.  There  was  concerning vehicles details his journey  1904 for the Royal Tourist. Ernest Hutchison
        another  boat  owned  by  Snowball  in  from  Miramichi  to  Bathurst  in  1913  purchased the luxury automobile in 1907.

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