Page 33 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 33

Assembly, he moved on to be an officer in the militia, a
        member of the Highland Society (and president in 1906),
        president of the Chatham Curling Club, a Mason, and an
        adherent of the Presbyterian church. A substantial scholarship
        in his name is still given every year by the Highland Society
        at Miramichi to persons moving on to postgraduate academic
            Hutchison saw needs in his community and endeavoured
        to fill them. When he built his handsome home “Woodlands''
        in  Douglastown  in  the  early  1890s,  he  gave  the  former
        Rankin House to the village to use for a school. At his own
        expense, he removed unnecessary chimneys, installed a new
        furnace and renovated the interior to accommodate students
        and teachers. The Douglastown School was open until Gretna
        Green School was built in 1980.
            In 1914, as a brother Mason, he built the Associated  “Woodlands”,  the  immense  Queen  Anne-style  home  in
        Lodges building for use by various groups in both Newcastle  Douglastown, was built by Ernest Hutchison in the early 1890s.
        and  Chatham;  Masons,  Eastern  Star,  and  other  affiliated
        organizations.  This  building  has  been  kept  in  wonderful  South Carolina and is buried in the St. James and St. John
        condition  and  is  in  regular  use  today  by  the  lodges  of  graveyard in Newcastle. Another monument to Hutchison is
        Miramichi. The party for its opening in October of 1914, was  at St. James and St. John United Church, found on the west
        attended by 400 people!  The event was scheduled to end at  side of the front steps of the church. He was survived by his
        3am but due to fog on the river, the boats available to take  wife, Eliza Jane Johnston, a son Richard, and a daughter
        people home could not leave, so most passengers were not  Isabelle. Another son, Alexander, died as a five-year-old child
        delivered to their abodes until around 8am!            in 1886.
            In  1915,  a  campaign  began  to  raise  funds  for  a  new  The few physical reminders of the Hutchison family are
        hospital  in  Newcastle,  but  donations  were  sporadic  and  mostly in Douglastown, which was the seat of their business
        uncertain.  At  first,  Hutchison  said  he  would  match  the  endeavours. After the R. Hutchison & Co. business was sold,
        donations of the citizens, but when donations only totaled  his  son  Ernest  turned  his  attention  solely  towards  his
        $700, Hutchison took over, and gave the money needed to  community and directed all his efforts into its improvement
        build and fully equip a new hospital. His costs were in the  and enhancement.
        neighbourhood of $100,000 which in today’s money would     “Woodlands”, the immense Queen Anne-style home in
        be equivalent to $2.8 million! One of the only conditions  Douglastown, was built by Ernest Hutchison in the early
        attached  to  this  gift  was  that  a  member  of  the  Highland  1890s.  It is panelled in oak throughout in true Victorian style
        Society at Miramichi would always have a seat on the board  and has beautiful grounds surrounding the turreted mansion;
        of the hospital.                                       part of a vanished age, but evidence of what remains of
            Hutchison died suddenly in 1918 while vacationing in  Ernest Hutchison’s presence on the Miramichi.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  33
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