Page 28 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 28

The Spruce

                         By Doug Dolan

            For one child, a large family can be a place of comfort
        and security. For another, it can be a source of hurt without
        others even being aware. The anxiety can shrink the soul.
            John  is  the  eldest  son  and  was  the  favourite  of  our
        parents. With the recognition, he was also expected to set
        an  example  for  his  younger  brothers  and  sisters  while
        keeping up with schoolwork and a part-time job.
            Two weeks before Christmas, 1965, Mom called him
        into the kitchen, where she was busy making the weekly
        loaves of bread. "John, I need you to get the Christmas tree
        this year. Dad is away on school business." “Getting a tree”
        meant going to the nearby woods and cutting one down.
        Quality was not a concern.
            John was a bright hard-working young man accustomed
        to stepping in for his father. But sometimes, it took real
        effort to keep up with the demands on him. He was digging
                                                                                                    Dolan Family Home
        out the sled when Chris, our youngest brother, appeared. The
        eight-year-old was often lost among the raucous behaviour
        of his bigger, older brothers. "Mom said I should go with  Chris pulled his hood up.
        you." Chris offered with little enthusiasm. John knew his  It  had  only  been  two  months  since  Chris’s  elderly
        mother's ways - the judge had ruled, and he would comply.   neighbour and best friend Jed had died. Jed and his wife,
            Snow hit him as he rounded the side of the woodshed.  Harriet had warmed to the curious young boy who walked
        The wind was from the east. "We are in for a storm," he  cautiously into their lives. They had no children and were
        thought. The two set out quickly across the snow-covered  charmed by his quiet respectful nature. For Chris, these two
        field behind our home.                                 adults offered him a welcome retreat from his home where
            The  snow  lay  heavy  on  the  backfield,  and  the  path  he often felt lost and alone. He and Jed became fast friends,
        through  was  starting  to  fill  in.  They  climbed  over  the  offering each other what each could not otherwise find. The
        neighbourhood sliding hill where a few younger children  loss  of  Jed  left  Chris  feeling  increasingly  isolated  and
        were enjoying the absence of the rowdier older kids. They  abandoned.
        rolled smoothly onto the railway tracks at the top of the hill.  "Why don't you guys talk with me?" John was startled
        The snow stung their faces as they walked into the wind.  and saw his kid brother staring up at him. He struggled for
                                                               words. "I guess we figured you say what you want."
                                                                   “I tried, and nobody listens." Chris's head was bowed; it
                                                               was obvious he was crying.
                                                                   Despite the gathering storm, John sat on the sled beside
                                                               his  brother.  “I  didn’t  know  Chris.  I  see  what  you  mean.
                                                               Maybe you and me can spend more time together and I will
                                                               listen, promise. Want to try that?" John asked.
                                                                   "Yeah, I guess we could," Chris replied, wiping away the
                                                               last tears.
                                                                   "Great! John playfully tapped his brother on the shoulder;
                                                               Let's find a Christmas tree!" A gust of wind nearly knocked
                                                               him onto the snowbank as he stood up. He put his head down
                                                               and charged ahead.
                                                                   Arriving at the place that John remembered as the tree
                                                               stand, the choices were few. Others had found the spot he and
                                                               his dad had used for years. "Chris, you stay with the sled and
                                                               watch for trains, OK? I'm going into the woods." The area

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