Page 24 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 24

Homemade Holidays

                             When I Was a Young Lad by Darlene Jardine

            This time of year reminds me of                                        something new for Christmas.
        my childhood.                                                                 A  lot  of  our  clothes  were
            As I bake bread and sweets with                                        handmade. Mom and Gram knit all our
        the first snow falling outside, I think                                    socks, mittens, hats and scarves, and
        about when I was a little girl, and our                                    Dad made us coats and dresses. Dad
        kitchen  was  bustling  with  Christmas                                    was a great tailor, and he would cut up
        preparations.                                                              old  coats  and  other  clothing  to
            Mom  and  Gram  would  be  busy                                        repurpose them. He was a self-taught
        making fruitcakes, nutcake and currant                                     and well-read and could figure out how
        cake  –  special  treats  that  we  always                                 to make or do anything he put his mind
        looked forward to and were only made                                       to. I can still see the little mackinaw
        at Christmas. The pantry and cold cellar                                   coats he made for my brothers.
        brimmed  with  crab  apple  preserves,                                        I’ll never forget the red plaid A-
        pickles,  berry  jams,  and  potatoes,                                     line dress he made me. It had a little
        carrots,  and  turnips  from  the  fall                                    collar, short sleeves, and was buttoned
        harvest. We’d have about six barrels of                                    from  the  neck  to  the  bottom  of  the
        salted fish and meat to do us the winter;                                  skirt. Dad could make anything and
        salmon, eels, gaspereau, pork, deer, and                                   even  helped  with  the  knitting  and
        moose.                                                                     cooking too. Later in life, his folk-art
            I remember one year when I was                                         wood  carvings  and  paintings  would
        eight years old, and we were living in our first house, before  become sought after by collectors.
        it burned. There were six of us kids at that time, my parents,  On Christmas Eve each year, Mom and Dad headed to
        and Dad’s mother, Gram lived with us too, at the end of the  the woods to cut down a fir tree.  We stayed home with Gram
        Barnettville  road  overlooking  the  river.    The  Eaton’s  and ran around the house getting socks to hang up for Santa-
        catalogue had arrived, and we were so excited. We mauled  usually Dad’s socks because they were bigger.  Christmas eve
        over that catalogue for weeks and knew what was on every  was also a special time because Mom and Dad were married
        page. Mom and Gram always ordered us a few things for  on December 24 in 1946, the year after Dad came home from
        Christmas, along with new boots for whoever needed them.  the war.
        Money was tight, but every year they managed to get us     When they returned, we trimmed the tree with tinsel and

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