Page 26 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 26

Local Books Make Great Gift Ideas

                             Notes on a Writer’s Life: A Memoir,                    Death  Between  the  Decks: An  Old
                             is David Adams Richards account of                     Manse Mystery by Alexa Bowie is
                             his more than fifty years as a writer.                 the third book in this "cozy" mystery
                             Readers will learn of his childhood,                   series. If you haven't already, check
                             high school years of rebellion, his                    out  the  first  two  books, Death
                             friendships with other writers, and                    Between  the  Walls,  and  Death
                             uneasy  relationship  with  both                       Between  the  Tables. The  series
                             publishers and academics. Richards                     follows Emma Andrews, who moves
                             describes his travels to various parts                 back  home  to  Newcastle  from
                             of the world, his love of the sea and                  Toronto  after  inheriting  the  Old
                             his determination to write against the                 Manse and finds herself in the middle
                             odds, and how his wife Peggy has                       of murder and mystery.
                             been his greatest ally and supporter.
                                                               Falling for You by Barb Curtis is a
        River  People is  Wayne  Curtis’                       contemporary  romance  with  a
        twentieth  published  book  and  is  a                 sprinkle of mystery. It is the third in
        collection of short stories set in the                 her Sapphire Springs series which
        Miramichi River Valley. As always,                     features  new  characters  and
        Curtis’s love for our mighty river, the                storylines in each book, so they can
        land,  and  people  is  evident  in  this              be  enjoyed  as  a  standalone  read.
        book of 16 thoughtful stories where                    “Curtis’s  sweet,  inviting  third
        he explores fishing, hunting, young                    Sapphire Springs romance begs to
        love,  war  brides,  hardships,  heart                 be turned into a Hallmark movie.
        break, and other aspects of life along                 This  is  everything  small-town
        the river.                                             romance  readers  could  want.”―
                                                               Publishers Weekly

                            Everything in This House Breaks is a                   Heir  of  the  Moon is  a  young  adult
                            collection  of  21  stories,  and  is  the             fantasy novel written by Athena Rose.
                            second book of short stories by Burnt                  It  is  a  beautifully  crafted  tale  of  a
                            Church  resident  poet  and  author                    storied  land,  peopled  with  magical
                            Sandra Bunting. She brings the reader                  creatures, and the ever-watchful moon.
                            from Ireland to Canada and back, and                   Heir of the Moon takes its readers on a
                            draws  us  into  little  sketches  of                  thoughtful and fantastical journey of
                            relationships,  families,  childhood                   courage,  lost  innocence,  and  the
                            tales, unsuspected life twists and even                transformative power of love.
                            a thriller or two.

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