Page 22 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 22

It Always Snowed on Christmas Eve

                        Memories of a Christmas Past

                        By Les McLaughlin

            Growing up in the eighties, Christmas held a special
        place in my heart. The holiday season, with its sparkling
        lights  and  the  excitement  of  Santa's  arrival,  was  pure
            The anticipation of Christmas, for me, always began
        with the arrival of the Sears Wish Book. I remember lying
        on the floor, flipping through its glossy pages, circling my
        most desired toys with bright-colored markers, making
        sure Santa knew exactly what to bring.
            In our small village of Blackville, the holiday season
        officially kicked off with the Blackville Fire Department's
        Santa  Claus  Parade  in  early  December.  The  entire
        community would line the streets, waiting for the floats to
        drive by. Santa, always on the last float, would yell "ho,  A float ready for the annual Christmas parade, in front of the old
        ho,  ho's"  from  atop  his  sleigh,  spreading  joy  and  Blackville Fire Hall.
        excitement throughout the crowd. After the parade, we'd
        park near the fire hall, which would be filled with kids,  where we’d sing our hearts out while glancing through the
        eagerly awaiting the chance to sit on Santa's knee to share  audience to find our moms and dads who’d be watching
        our Christmas wishes. He’d hand us a brown paper bag   with big smiles on their faces.
        filled with mixed chocolates, shelled peanuts, a barley toy,  The week before Christmas break, we'd enjoy a special
        and candy cane and sometimes an apple or orange.       school Christmas dinner in the cafeteria, feasting on hot
            At school, December was a magical time. We'd watch  turkey with all the trimmings and a festive dessert.
        Christmas movies and spend mornings coloring Christmas     The last day of school before the holidays was always
        activity sheets. The sounds of the school band practicing  filled with anticipation as we looked forward to a break
        Christmas carols would fill the long halls of Blackville  filled with snow and family time. That night, we’d head
        School. Our teachers would have us practice little skits and  out to the Metro or Hi-Way Market looking for the perfect
        songs for the Christmas program in the school cafeteria,  Christmas movies to rent.
                                                                   The  snowy  wonderland  of  my  childhood  was  best
                                                               enjoyed at my Gram's house in Keenans. We'd play in the
                                                               deep, packed snow, sliding down the side hill with joy and
                                                               carelessness until dark. As the warm glow of the painted
                                                               Christmas bulbs lit up the yard, we'd head inside for hot
                                                               cocoa  and  homemade  cookies.  Gram,  with  her  straw
                                                               broom in hand, would meet us on the front porch and
                                                               gently brush the snow from our clothing before letting us
                                                               in the house, where we’d giggle and thaw by the cozy fire.
                                                                   The  sounds  of  Christmas  music  filled  the  house,
                                                               setting the perfect backdrop for holiday festivities. The
                                                               doorways were lined with holiday cards and tiny red beads
                                                               and the ceilings were draped in shiny tinsel garland that
                                                               would hang from corner to corner and meet in the middle
                                                               of the room.
                                                                   My aunt Louise would host a party at her house in the
                                                               weeks  leading  up  to  Christmas,  and  the  whole  family
        Les at his aunt Louise’s family Christmas party.
                                                               would  gather  there,  sharing  laughter,  food,  and  gifts.

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