Page 18 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 18

The First Gift of Christmas

              By Johannes Bosma

            Emma sat down at her desk to sort
        out the final reports as she checked her
        shiny  new  watch  that  the  staff  had
        given her as a Christmas present. It was
        7:55  pm.  In  five  more  minutes,  she
        could leave the world of work behind
        and lose herself in her family. That had
        always been Nurse Emma’s hard and
        steadfast rule: whatever happened at the
        hospital that day would not go home
        with her.
            And yet, the thought of escaping in
        five  minutes  to  join  her  family  on
        Christmas Eve did not comfort her. Her
        mind  wasn’t  even  on  the  reports  at
        hand. All  she  could  think  about  was
        fourteen-year-old Janie in room 30.
            Janie had been under Emma’s care
        since August. A victim of a hit-and-run,
        the teenager had been in a coma since
        her arrival. Each and every day during
        her shift, Emma spent time talking to
        her helpless patient, administrating the  friendly reminder from the duty nurse.  hope.
        physiotherapy  needed  to  keep  her  in  “It’s time to leave all your problems  “Just saying goodbye to Janie until
        good  physical  shape.  On  days  when  and frustrations and join your family in  I see her again on the twenty-seventh”,
        Emma was too busy to see the girl, she  that sanctuary called home.”      Emma said as she gave her friend one
        would  come  in  after  her  shift  had  Emma nodded appreciatively and   more caress and then walked over and
        ended.  She  would  never  leave  the  finished up by straightening the files on  stood by Janie’s side. It would be even
        hospital until she spent a little time with  her desk. She grabbed her purse and  more  difficult  now  to  remove  Janie
        her young patient. Although Janie had  coat out of the staff room, wished one  from her thoughts until her next shift.
        become  the  greatest  test  to  her  rule,  and all a Merry Christmas, and made  Soothingly, Emma spoke to her teen-
        Nurse Emma had always managed to     her way to room 30. She just had to  aged patient.
        leave her condition and story back at  leave a word of comfort with Villa and  “Janie, this is Nurse Emma again.
        the hospital after she reached home.  say good-bye to Janie.              Couldn’t  you  please  come  home  for
            It  wasn’t  only  Janie  she  had    “Anything new, Villa?”           Christmas,”  she  pleaded  in  a  soft
        difficulty not thinking about after work.  “Oh, Emma. Thanks for dropping  whisper. A distinct sniffle behind her
        Over  the  last  four  months,  she  had  by. No change, I’m afraid.”     told her that Villa must have overheard.
        become very good friends with Villa,     Villa could feel Emma’s care and  Turning, Emma saw her friend, now
        Janie’s mom who had remained by her  comfort  as  her  shoulders  were    sobbing uncontrollably. Her heart sank.
        daughter’s side since the mishap in late  ensconced  by  her  loving  arms.  Rushing to her, she apologized. “Oh,
        August. Villa had been so optimistic, so  Suddenly Villa shifted her focus.  I’m so sorry, Villa. I didn’t mean to…”
        cheerful  and  so  hopeful.  And  yet,   “Wait a minute. It’s after eight. You  “It’s  not  you,  Emma.  It’s  me.  I
        during the last few days, Emma could  should be heading home. Don’t keep  always  thought  I  could  handle  any
        see that her new friend’s hope of having  that family of yours waiting one more  situation but,” she soaked up the tears
        Janie  back  by  Christmas  had  all  but  second.” Then directing her eyes to the  with a tissue. “I’ve never told anyone
        faded.                               bed, she continued to watch over her  this before but on the day Janie was
            “It’s eight o’clock, Emma,” came a  daughter with a facade of strength and  hurt, she had cut out a picture of this

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