Page 14 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 14

Cindy Lou’s Corner

                                 Tick Tock

            The year is coming to a close. Some might be saying
        “thank goodness.” Others might be panicking to complete a
        goal they had set this past year. Time is such a peculiar thing.
            I find it amusing when we apply time to fitness goals in
        particular. The body doesn’t know it is supposed to take seven
        days to lose one pound of fat. The body also doesn’t know,
        you only trained three days this week instead of four and now
        your progress is going to be off for the upcoming week. It
        also doesn’t know that you need to lose 20 pounds in 30 days
        or your life will be over, because you won’t be able to wear
        your skinny jeans to the New Years Eve party. The body only
        knows you exercised, you ate, and it responds accordingly.
            Yes,  time  helps  us  set  goals  and  gives  us  a  point  of
        reference. It is one of the strongest motivators available for
        us to use.
            Whatever we apply time to, we are the deciding factor!
        How we feel about the moment we are in, decides how we  way to work or anywhere. Look up, look left, look right, look
        interact  with  time. You  know  this  one  all  too  well.  The  down. Take in your surroundings in that moment. See the
        moment  when  you  put  your  foot  in  your  mouth  in  a  moment like you are going to have to take a test and describe
        conversation, you really wish you could reverse time. But  it to someone in great detail and your life depends on how
        instead, time stands still to really make sure you fully enjoy  well you did. Yes, that ferociously.
        the moment.                                                Here is the most important part, allow yourself to create
            Let’s delve into how we use time as an excuse. Let us  the feeling of awe while you are taking everything in. It’s
        count the ways!                                        how we feel that makes time become a blessing in disguise.
            1. I don’t have time to do that.                   If you find yourself just going through your day and dragging
            2. It takes too much time.                         your body along for the ride. Stop yourself and take a breath,
            3. I don’t want to waste my time.                  maybe  two  or  three,  until  you  feel  clarity  or  calm  or
            4. Its not the right time for this.                inspiration settle in. This little, inexpensive, and powerful
            5. I need more time.                               tool will give you a new perspective on any moment at hand.
            6. Our timing is off.                                  May you spend your time well; it is the only currency
            7. Maybe when…                                     where you decide its individual value! What is this moment
            8. Next week, next month, next year…               worth to you?
                                                                   To quote Vicki Corona: “Life is not measured by the
                                                               number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our
            And the list goes on and on. If you only had today, how
        would  you  spend  your  time?  I  know  it’s  such  as  cliche  breathe away.”
        question.  Your  logical  brain  would  go  into  overdrive
        explaining why next week is important. And all would be lost  Sincerely,
        to the future or the past. It’s not about ignoring the future or  Cindy Lou. Educator of Positive Thinking,
        the past, it is about making the present moment the fullest it  Published Author, Spiritual Guidance Counsellor
        can be, not just once but every time. Because that moment  Instagram @cindylouscorner Facebook @cindylouscorner
        will not repeat itself in the exact same way. You might have  Email:
        moments that seem familiar to others but not exact. Pause in
        your conversation with a cashier, pause when you are on your

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