Page 9 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 9

25th Annual               Christmas to Remember

                              in Memory of Gerry Cormier

                              by Susan Butler

           King St. Elementary Choir

                                                                                                         Gerry Cormier
            Twenty-five  years  ago, Mayor   House, Women’s Transition  House,    years  later  and  with  the  help  of
        Gerry  Cormier,  who  was  always    and St. Mary’s Christmas Hampers.    Miramichiers we have been able to
        known for bringing people together   The highlight of his show was singing  keep  Gerry’s  memory  alive.  Gerry
        and being a bridge builder, organized  the song “There are Angels Among   died June 20th, 2016, at the age of 66.
        a special fundraiser for three of his  Us” with the elementary school choir.  He was a very popular mayor and a
        favorite charities. It was an afternoon  When he had a bout with cancer and  good friend.
        of   Christmas    music   featuring  was  unable  to  do  the  concert,  I    This year’s concert will be held
        children’s choirs, soloists, duets, and  stepped  in  for  him  and  promised  I  on Sunday, December 10th, 2pm at
        various ensembles. The money raised  would keep this event going.         St.  Mary’s  church,  360  Newcastle
        was  divided  between  the  Youth        It is hard to believe it is now 25  Blvd. The program will feature King
                                                                                  St.  Elementary  Choir  under  the
                                                                                  direction  of  Emily  Comeau,  Max
                            The Villagers Choir
                                                                                  Aitken Academy Primary Choir under
                                                                                  the direction of Alison Gallant, The
                                                                                  Villagers under the direction of Lois
                                                                                  McKinnon, Elizabeth Shatford, David
                                                                                  Bunnell, Audrey Mclaughlin, Dawn
                                                                                  Patterson,  Brent  Munn,  Miramichi
                                                                                  Fiddlers, Donna & Tyrone Hubbard
                                                                                  and Susan Butler.
                                                                                     Admission is a free will offering.
                                                                                  Donations can be made in advance in
                                                                                  memory of a loved one by etransfer to
                                                                          or  call
                                                                                  Susan at 506-622-1780. All names of
                                                                                  those in memory will be printed on
                                                                                  the program.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  99
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