Page 7 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
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Cost  $7  per  person.  Light  lunch  to  Dec. 2: Rogersville Christmas Market  Dec. 9&16: Christmas
        follow. New year’s tickets available for  Christmas market with over 40 tables of  Music  Concert  The
        purchase that night cost $15 per person.  crafts  and  sweets.  Just  before  Villagers   will   be
                                             Rogersville at the Collette community  performing   Christmas
                                             Center.  330  ch.  Collette  rd.  Starts  at  favourites  and  classics  on
                                             10am. Tel: 506-625-6894.             the following dates:
                                                                                  Saturday, Dec. 9 at St. Paul’s Anglican
                                             Dec. 2: Christmas Elvis Show         Church, Bushville at 7pm
                                             This is a fundraiser for the Legion 3 new  Saturday,  Dec.  16 at  St.  Andrew’s
                                             building featuring Elvis the King with  United Church, Chatham at 7pm
                                             special guest Trina Bertin. Doors open
                                             at  6p,  show  starts  at  7pm,  at  the  Dec. 10: Seniors Supper
                                             Loggieville Community Centre. Tickets  The Miramichi Kinsmen and Newcastle
        Nov. 25: A Christmas Tea             $25 each. There will be two door prizes  Lions  will  be  holding  a  free  seniors
        Enjoy  sweets  and  sandwiches  in  a  of $250 (you do not need to be there to  supper for those 65 and older. We ask
        beautiful Victorian  Home  with  music  win). Contact 506-773-7433 and 506-  that you bring a donation for the food
        and the spirit of Christmas at the WS  625-9931  to  purchase  tickets.  Send  bank when you pick up your meals. Free
        Loggie Cultural Centre. First sitting 12-  etransfer to  tickets  will  be  handed  out  at  the
        1:30pm,  second  sitting  2-3:30pm.                                       Kinsmen  centre  between  10am  and
        Tickets sold in advance for $12 each.  Dec. 2– 17: Old-Fashioned Christmas  1pm. The time you are to pick up your
        Contact Joan Cripps at 506-773-4996  Christmas at MacDonald               meal will be printed on your ticket. The
        for tickets, or any board member.    farm  will  be  held    for          supper  is  a  drive-thru  pickup  at  the
                                             three weekends this year.            Lions Club on Morrisons Lane between
        Nov.  28:  Christmas  in  the  Park,  Dates  and  times  are:             1pm and 3pm on December 10th Tickets
        Doaktown Tuesday night from 5 to 7pm  Saturdays (Dec 2, 9, 16)            must be presented for meal.
        the Doaktown Village Park will be alive  1-4  pm  and  7-9  pm;
        with Christmas cheer. Join us for crafts,  Sundays  (Dec  3,  10,  17)  1-4  pm.  Dec. 10: Christmas to Remember in
        singing and Santa Claus!             Admission:  $7  adult,  $5  seniors,  $5  memory of Gerry Cormier. St. Mary's
                                             children  6-15yrs,  under  6yrs  free.  church, 360 Newcastle Blvd, at 2pm.
        Nov. 30: Christmas Sing Along        Family  of  four  $25  ($5  for  each  See page 9 for details.
        Join  us  at  7pm  at  the  St.  Stephen’s  additional person). Featuring a crackling
        United  Church  in  Red  Bank.  Special  fireplace, fresh baked cookies, Winter  Dec. 14-17: The Wizard of Oz
        Guest - The Villagers                                                     Follow  the  yellow  brick  road  to  the
                                             Wonderland  Walk,  cash  canteen  with
        Dec. 1: Parade of Lights – Historic  baked beans, brown bread, hotdogs and  MVHS  Drama  Club’s  delightful
                                                                                  production of L. Frank Baum’s beloved
        Chatham Business District            hot chocolate, and the gift shop will be  tale, The Wizard of Oz, featuring the
        Colourfully lit floats will leave James M  open. Address: 600 Route 11, Bartibog.  iconic  musical  score  from  the  MGM
        Hill  at  6:30pm  down  to Water  Street  film. This timeless tale, in which young
        where  businesses  will  be  open,  and  December 8-10: Scenes from the First  Dorothy Gale travels from Kansas over
        many will have special treats and sales.  Christmas An annual Christmas fund-  the rainbow to the magical Land of Oz,
        Registrations can be picked up at Comic  raiser will be held at the churches of Our  continues to thrill audiences worldwide.
        Alley and Pizza Delight Chatham.
                                             Lady of Lourdes Parish, entitled. See  Show times are at 7pm with a matinee
        Dec. 2: Blackville Parade of Lights  page 4 for details.                  on Saturday Dec. 16 at 2pm.  Tickets are
        The  Blackville  Fire  Department  will  Dec. 9: Country Christmas Craft &  $20 for adults, $15 for students and will
        host their annual Santa Claus Parade of  Bake Sale This annual cozy sale is from  go on sale December 1st.
        Lights, starting at 4:30pm, proceeding  10am to 2pm and features handmade  Dec. 16: Blackville Craft Market
        along Main Street to the fire hall, where  crafts, Christmas ornaments & décor,  10am to 1pm at the United Church Hall,
        Santa Claus will hand out treats.
                                             knit  socks,  hats  &  mitts,  gift  ideas,  145  Main  Street,  Blackville.  Large
                                             pickles, apple jelly,  raisin brown bread,  variety of crafts, sweets and vendors.
                                             fruit  cake,  shortbread  cookies,  baked
                                             beans & biscuits, sweet trays, meat pies,  Dec.  3  &  17:  Greater  Miramichi
                                             fruit pies, and more. For large baking  Community  Market on  Sundays,
                                             orders,  call  Darlene  at  843-7878.  At  12pm to 4pm, at MVHS, 345 McKenna
                                             Darlene’s Country Cottage ( TeaHouse)  Ave.  To  be  a  vendor  call  Gregg  or
                                             186 Barnettville Rd, Blackville.     Sandra at 506-210-2097.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  7
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