Page 6 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
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Listing Your Event Here is FREE!
                                                                Submit your January, February and March events by
                                                               January 19th for inclusion in the Winter Issue of Giv’er.
                                                                    Email the details to

        Nov.  16-Dec.23:  Downtown  Hidden                                        Email
        Treasures  Market  Open  for  holiday                                     or  phone: (613) 484-9827.
        shopping every Thursday, Friday, and
        Saturday  until  Christmas,  at  129                                      Nov. 23 – Dec. 3: Hospice Home for
        Newcastle Blvd in Miramichi, 10am to                                      The Holidays The Annual Tree Auction
        5pm.  Local  and  Canadian  products                                      will be held at the Napan Community
        including baked goods, pickles, salsa,                                    Hall,  238  South  Napan  Road.  The
        handmade  baby  &  children’s  wear,                                      beautiful  Christmas  Trees  will  be  on
        bandanas  for  your  furry  friends,                                      display  for  two  weeks:  Thursday  &
        jewellery,  candles,  Christmas  decor,  Nov.18: The Miramichi Fiddlers will  Friday 5-8pm and Saturday & Sunday
        PABI's  Collectibles,  Tupperware,  art  be hosting a Fiddle-Doo and Pot-Luck  2-7pm, from November 23 to Dec 3.
        work, crafts, clothing, picture frames,  supper at the Seamen's Hospital from 2
        woodworking, and much more
                                             to  6  pm.  Come  join  us  for  a  fun  November 24, 25, 26: The Nightmare
                                             afternoon.  Free  will  donations  are  Before Christmas The St. J & J Drama
                                             appreciated   and   any    pot-luck  Troupe    will   be
                                             contribution. Located at 12 Vye Street in  presenting  a  who-
                                             Douglastown.                         done-it dessert theatre,
                                                                                  at St. James & St. John
                                             Nov 19: Walking Tour of Nelson       United Church Centre,
                                             Character  Matters  Miramichi  will  be  556 King George Hwy. A 30th Reunion
                                             presenting  A  Walk  Back  in  Time:  weekend full of festive celebrations, just
                                             Nelson Edition in the former village of  before  Christmas,  has  turned  into  a
        Nov.  17-18:  SPCA  Annual  Holiday  Nelson,  with  the  Friendly  Neighbour  nightmare  for  the  event  organizers,
        Pet Picture Fundraiser               Senior Citizens Club as our partner.  The  guests,  and  especially  poor  Norma.
        Dates/times: Nov. 17, 4pm - 8pm;  Nov.  tour starts at 1pm, at the Little White  Come  join  us  for  this  mystery  style
        18,  10am-3pm  at  the  Knights  of  Schoolhouse (26 Sutton Rd). Join your  theatre and have your say in ‘who done
        Columbus Hall in Chatham, at 67 King  19th century guides for an  enlightening  it?’ On stage are Allison Alcorn, Nancy
        Street. Local photographer Jenna Carson  afternoon,  exploring  the  history  of  Donald,  Greg  Donovan,  Katrina
        has volunteered her services. Photos are  Nelson’s front street and the surrounding  Donovan, Diane Forrest, Gary Forrest,
        $15  each  or  two  for  $25,  and  two  neighbourhood.  From  industry  to  Kimberley  Shaddick,  and  Rev.  Alice
        different  backdrops  will  be  set  up  to  education, true crime to transportation,  Szemok. Tickets are $20; available at
        choose  from.  Photos  will  be  emailed  and architecture to idle gossip, this show  the   United   Center,   Dickison’s
        after  the  event.  No  appointments  are  has   something   for   everyone.  Pharmasave, & Brookdale Flower Shop.
        necessary. Costumes are available for  Refreshments to follow, hosted by the  Doors  open  at  6:30pm,  showtime  is
        your pets or bring your own. Pets of any  Friendly  Neighbour  Senior  Citizens  7pm.
        kind  are  welcome!  All  proceeds  go  Club.  Follow  Character  Matters
        directly to support the operation of the  Miramichi on  social  media,  or  email  Nov. 25: Handmade Christmas Craft
        Miramichi SPCA shelter.      Sale at the Nordin Rec center, 10am -
                                                                                  4pm, 24 Nordin Lane. Contact Shelley,
        Nov. 18-19: 4th Annual Tiny Picture  Nov. 19: Forgive to Live             506-622-3360.
        Show Small original art works for show  How  forgiveness  can  save  your  life.
        and sale, brought to you by Miramichi  Speaker Gabrielle McNeil, RN, CNC,  Nov. 25: Hidden Gem Tea & Concert
        Art  Core.  Free  admission.  Great  LSC, TICC. All people are either in need  with  fiddler  Katherine  Moller,  at
        Christmas presents or just enjoy the art.  of forgiveness or need to forgive the hurt  Wilson's Point Historic Site. See page 10
        Priced $75 and under. Times: Saturday,  they endured from someone else. Please  for details.
        10-4pm, Sunday 10-2pm at the Knights  come and listen to how forgiveness can
        of  Columbus  Hall,  345  Campbell  St,  heal us. Starts at 2pm, 290 Dalton Ave.  Nov. 25:  Sunny Corner Dance
        Miramichi.  Miramichi (Newcastle Industrial Park).   Saturday, 8pm-11pm at the Lions Club
                                                                                  Sunny Corner. Music by Family Sound.
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