Page 8 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 8

Santa’s Gift to Tom

         by Dolores W. Deredin

            Olde Tom, a great storyteller, lived in the Deep South of  have my glasses, can you tell me where to find Chatham,
        Mississippi. He sat on his veranda in the light of a lantern  Newcastle, Loggieville, Nelson, Douglastown, Nordin and
        every evening smoking a pipe with a spittoon beside him.  Chatham Head?”
        Children loved to gather around him in                                         I explained to Santa that all the
        the light of his lantern to listen to his                                   places  he  named  were  gathered
        stories.                                                                    together and made into one big city
            It was in the month of December                                         called Miramichi and were no longer
        and  children  were  getting  excited                                       on  the  map.  “Ho!  Ho!  Ho!”  said
        about Christmas. Olde Tom spoke up                                          Santa, “No wonder I was having a
        and said to them, “Have I got a story                                       hard time finding them. You know
        to tell you guys! Boys, you know, I                                         Tom I remember when visiting those
        always liked snow, so I bought myself                                       little towns always thinking that they
        a cottage out in the woods.                                                 had beautiful decorations and a great
            “What  I  liked  about  the  cottage                                    Christmas Spirit!”
        and  the  wintertime  there  was  the                                          When  Santa  Claus  was  calling
        quietness,  the  beautiful  white  snow                                     out  the  names  of  the  towns,  Tear
        and all the animals I could see coming                                      Drop  thought  the  names  had  a
        around  my  cottage  every  once  and                                       musical  sound  and  started  dancing
        awhile.  At  night,  I  would  light  my                                    inside Santa’s pocket. He fell through
        lantern  and  go  out  and  look  at  the                                   a  hole  in  the  lining  and  landed  on
        snow. The light from my lantern would                                       Santa’s glasses.
        make  the  snow  just  look  like                                              “I  found  your  glasses  Santa,”
        diamonds. It was beautiful to see.                                          said Tear Drop.
            “One Christmas Eve night while I                                           “Ho! Ho! Ho!” said Santa. “Now
        was sitting in the cottage, all of a sudden, I could hear a noise  we can get on our way - after all it is Christmas Eve.”
        outside. There were many bright lights! It kind of startled me.  Santa Claus asked me just before he left, “Tom, I would
        A knock came to my door. Would you believe it boys...that  like to give you a very special gift for helping me. I see that
        knock came from Santa Claus himself,” said Tom.        you like to walk with your lantern. I am going to turn it into
            Santa Claus said, “Hello, sorry to bother you, but on this  a magical lantern. From this night forward, you will never
        trip, I have lost my glasses. I have two friends looking for  run out of oil and your lantern will only go out when you fall
        them. One of them is looking in my sleigh.” Just then, in  asleep and start snoring.”
        came a little elf, one of Santa’s helpers. Santa introduced him  “Santa Claus got on his sleigh and up into the sky he
        to me and said, “This is my little helper, Sweet Pea. Sweet  flew. Tear Drop and Sweet Pea were waving good-bye to
        Pea is just a nickname - because he is always eating candy.  me,” said Tom.
        His real name is Georgie.”                                 All the children sitting around Tom listening to him in
            Santa also introduced me to his other helper. “Now this  the light of his lantern were not too sure whether to believe
        little mouse in my pocket is called Tear Drop. He lost his  his story or not. Tom got tired from telling his story to the
        mother and father many years ago. One Christmas Eve, I  children. He fell asleep and began to snore. Slowly, gently,
        found him sleeping in a manger. He was crying, so I called  the light from Tom’s lantern dimmed until the children were
        him Tear Drop. He helps me too. When I go from house to  left in darkness listening to Tom snoring!
        house on Christmas Eve, I have my treats of a glass of milk  There was a twinkle in the eyes of those children and a
        and cookies. Tear Drop has the job of eating up the crumbs.  big smile grew on all their faces. They went home quite
        Santa doesn’t want to leave a mess behind you know.”   excited, all hoping they too would get a special gift from
            “Now Tom,” asked Santa, “Would you happen to have a  Santa, just like Olde Tom’s magical lantern.
        map of New Brunswick?”
            I answered, “Sure Santa, I have a map, let me look for it.”   Reprinted with permission from her recently published book: My
            Once I had my map Santa asked, “Tom, since I don’t  Memories by Dolores Winifred Deredin. Copyright 2023 Miramichi

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