Page 4 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 4

Scenes From the First Christmas

                By Shawn McCarthy

            On the weekend of December 8-
        10, an annual Christmas fund-raiser
        will be held at the churches of Our
        Lady  of  Lourdes  Parish,  entitled
        Scenes from the First Christmas.
            The  performance  is  centred
        around  a  series  of  tableau  vivant
        (living pictures) showing important
        sequences in the biblical Christmas
        story,   the  Annunciation,     the
        Visitation,     Joseph’s     initial
        incredulity  at  the  news  of  the
        Incarnation,  Mary  and  Joseph’s
        journey to Bethlehem, the Nativity,
        the presentation in the Temple, and
        the Epiphany.                        2022 Cast (L to R) Edward O’Donnell, Norman Colford (kneeling), Danny McDonnell, Krista
            Dec. 8 (7pm) at Most Pure Heart  Page,  Jillian  Harris  (kneeling),  David  Malley,  Nancy  Cripps,  Walter  O’Toole,  Melissa
                                             O’Donnell, Cathy Hackett and Bradley Lynch.
        of Mary Church in Barnaby River
            Dec.  9 (following  the  6pm
        Mass)  at  St  Edward's  Church  in      Donations for each church will      For more information, please
        Chelmsford                           be accepted at the door. A reception contact Our Lady of Lourdes parish
            Dec.  10  (2pm)  at  St  Patrick's  with light refreshments will follow by e-mail, at
        Church in Nelson                     each performance.          , or
            Each sequence is accompanied         The  organizers  would  like  to by telephone, at (506) 622-5733.
        by seasonal music and followed by    thank the cast and narrators for their
        scriptural  verse,  some  historical  work  and  rehearsal  in  the  weeks
        context, a reflection, and a closing  leading  up  to  the  presentation.
        prayer.  The  cast  for  the  show  is  Special thanks are also extended to
        drawn from the parish community,     Fr. Anthony Dass Papu H.G.N. for
        and  narration  is  provided  by     his support, and to the volunteers at
        members of the parish's lectionary   each of the three churches, who are
        team.                                organizing the receptions.

         Cover Photo:   Old-Fashioned Christmas at MacDonald Farm. Photo by Bonnie Coughlan

         Giv’er is about enjoying your day, giving it your all, putting some muscle behind it, giving it some gas, all the while
         staying true to good Miramichi values. Send us your good stuff to talk about on the river! We’re looking for events,
         stories, celebrations, pictures and articles about what’s up, what’s new, what’s happening.  Keep it positive, and we’ll
         promote it .

          Editor/Layout Design: Stacy Underhill  Ad Design: Cindy MacLean  Submissions:
          Giv’er Miramichi is published and copyrighted by MCG Media, a  Tel: 506-352-7668
          division of Mighty Miramichi Inc., PO Box 4166, Station D, Miramichi,  Facebook:
          NB, E1V 7K9.                           Web:

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