Page 15 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas Giver 2023
P. 15

From Humble Beginnings to Vibrant Community Hub:

        The Newcastle Farmer's Market's 47-Year Journey


            The tale of the Newcastle                                                        Its  journey  began  in  the
        Farmer's Market is one marked                                                    modest confines of the Loggie
        by  growth,  evolution,  and  a                                                  garage,  followed  by  an
        strong  sense  of  community                                                     enduring  presence  at  the
        spirit.  It  all  began  in  1976,                                               Lindon Rec Center for nearly
        initiated  by  Ben  and  Wera                                                    four  decades,  and  presently,
        Baldwin,  finding  its  humble                                                   residing  at  the  Eco  Center,
        origins in the former Loggie                                                     where it hopes to call home for
        garage located in Chatham. At                                                    another 40 years.
        that  time,  it  started  with  a                                                    Over  the  course  of  47
        modest  roster  of  just  12                                                     remarkable     years,   the
        vendors.                                                                         Newcastle  Farmer's  Market
            Over  time,  the  market's                                                   has  evolved  into  a  beloved
        popularity  and  significance                                                    institution   within    the
        steadily increased, prompting Ribbon cutting ceremony at the Newcastle Farmer’s Market’s new  Miramichi   community,
        a relocation to the intersection location at the Eco Center, 21 Cove Road. (L to R) Leigh Flett,  drawing  visitors  from  both
        of  King  and Water  Street.  It  Mayor Adam Lordon, MLA Michelle Conroy, Nathan Mutch, and our  nearby and distant places.
        was  at  this  juncture  that  the  Minister of Regional Development, Rejean Savoie.  This     transformative
        market truly began to thrive and further expand, while also  journey  reflects  a  remarkable  transition  from  a  small,
        finding a seasonal home within the Exhibition building.  unassuming gathering into a vibrant and integral element of
            In the early 1980s, a pivotal moment unfolded as the  the community. It now serves as a prominent platform to
        market's  path  crossed  with  the  Newcastle  Recreation  spotlight local businesses and showcase handcrafted treasures
        Director. The proposal to move the entire operation to the  from New Brunswick.
        Lindon  Rec  Center  was  introduced,  and  the  community  The Newcastle Farmer’s Market wants to extend our
        warmly embraced the idea.                              heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to making it a
            As the market established itself in Newcastle, it initially  cherished place. We warmly invite you to join us on Fridays
        featured approximately 20 diverse vendors. Over the years,  10am-2pm at our new location on 21 Cove Road, where we
        this number has steadily grown, with hundreds of vendors  continue to celebrate this vibrant legacy.
        participating.                                             Additional  Christmas  markets  will  be  held  on  the
            In addition to promoting local commerce, the market has  following Saturdays: Dec 2nd, 9th, and 16th.
        made significant contributions to various regional charities  Check out our Facebook page as well as our Instagram
        and awarded bursaries to local students. Presently, hosting  for upcoming events.
        around 35 vendors, and during peak season, that number can
        climb to as many as 45.                          

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  15
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