Page 21 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 21

We the Women: We strive

        An Anthology from the New Brunswick Women’s Correctional Centre

            Over the past year, two groups of                                     To pre-order your copy, please contact
        women incarcerated at the New                                   
        Brunswick Women’s  Correctional                                              The MLC was established as a non-
        Centre participated in “ReTelling Our                                     profit organization in 1978 and became
        Stories”, a six-week writing course                                       a registered charity in 2023. Our
        dedicated to the cathartic nature of                                      mission is to help adults improve their
        poetry, and the power of telling your                                     literacy skills, and to promote literacy
        own story. We the Women-We strive, is                                     in our community. We do this through a
        the result of those workshops. At times                                   variety of literacy programs and
        poignant, humorous, and self-reflective,                                  initiatives,  including  one-to-one
        the women explore a variety of poetic                                     tutoring,  The StoryWalk at Middle
        genres while offering a glimpse of their                                  Island, and programs for the clients of
        past, their experiences, and their current                                the NBWCC.  All our programs are
        situations.                                                               offered free of charge. For more
            We the Women is a publication of the                                  information, or to find out how you can
        Miramichi Literacy Council, produced in                                   help, please call 506-836-7882, email
        collaboration with the New Brunswick                            , or visit us
        Women’s Correctional Centre, and         All proceeds from this publication   at
        facilitator of ReTelling Our Stories,   will fund future volumes of  We the
        Kayla Geitzler. It was made possible   Women. The 63-page book of poetry
        thanks to the support of Read NB.    will be released on October 15, 2024.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  21
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