Page 23 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 23

J.D. Creaghan’s success in life and in business was his
        marriage to  Ellen Gertrude  Adams, the sister of
        Canadian Senator Michael Adams, Colorado Senator
        Samuel Adams, and US Congressman John Adams?
        Grandson John McManus, who lived with his
        grandparents after his mother died, said that Ellen often
        admonished J.D. by saying, “Why can’t you be
        successful like my brothers?”
            In the small settlement of Gray Rapids on the
        Miramichi River,  recitations by Marguerite Curtis
        made her a bit of a local celebrity. She then became a
        popular attraction in dance halls up and down the
        Miramichi and at the Old Arctic Rink in Fredericton.
            Because of her special gift, Marguerite was soon                          Jeep Bosma and his wife, Moetsche
        getting invitations to perform at social gatherings all
        over Boston and New York. By the turn of the century,   of Fabric Discount.
        she had performed in some of the finest concert halls      There might also be a relative or someone you know
        and opera houses in the United States, including a debut   in the book. To receive a copy of the table of contents,
        on the stage of Carnegie Hall.                         just send a request by email to
            Also included are the stories of Jeep Bosma and his    Read the full stories of these and many other notable
        wife, Moetsche who emigrated from Holland to the       Miramichi lads and ladies at the launch of  Notable
        Miramichi in 1955. Jeep, a baker by trade, is well     Miramichi Lads & Ladies: Book One on October 12
        remembered for his juice-tin bread sandwiches.         from 9:30 to 11:30am at Mill Cove Coffee shop in
        Moetsche became a very successful caterer and owner    Newcastle and from 2pm to 3:30pm at Creative Grounds
                                                               in Chatham.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  23
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