Page 26 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 26

Miramichi PALS Camp Helps Children Thrive in

        Reading and Physical Fitness

            This summer, children in grades 1 to 4 returned to school
        more prepared in reading and physically fit, thanks to the
        successful PALS Camp hosted by the Miramichi Regional
        Multicultural Association (MRMA) in partnership with the
        Miramichi Rotary Club, Greater Miramichi Service
        Commission, Cradle to Career, United for Literacy (Frontier
        College), Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, NB
        Public Libraries, NB SEED, and Canada Summer Jobs. The
        camp was graciously supported by Saint Michael’s Basilica,
        which provided facilities for the program. now in its 4th year.
            PALS Camp, short for Physical Activity Literacy and
        Sport is an evidence-based summer reading program
        designed for boys and girls who might not enjoy reading but
        do enjoy sports. The camp focuses on improving the reading   L to R: Craig Silliker, Miramichi Regional Multicultural  Association;
        skills and attitudes toward reading of children in grades 1 to   Catherine Flett, VP Miramichi Rotary Club; Michelle Conroy, MLA;
        4 who are not meeting expected levels. During the 2- to 4-  Michael Mersereau, Literacy Coordinator Miramichi Rotary Club
        week camps, pupils learn core reading comprehension skills   According to the 2010 Active Healthy Kids Canada
        while improving their reading confidence, enjoyment of   Report Card, only 12 per cent of Canadian children and youth
        reading, and motivation to read. In addition, they gain   meet Canada’s Physical Activity Guidelines of at least 60
        physical activity fundamentals, helping them develop   minutes of physical activity per day.
        essential skills for a healthy lifestyle.                  The Greater Miramichi Service Commission played a
            Thanks to the support from the Department of Tourism,   vital role in ensuring that the camp’s staff was well-trained,
        Heritage, and Culture, the camp was able to provide training   helping them meet the individual benchmarks of each child.
        in the fundamentals of sport, ensuring that children are also   Additionally, PALS Camp provides summer students with
        prepared for a physically active life.                 valuable training and skill-building opportunities. Mike
            "We know that active play is critical for the healthy   Mersereau of the Miramichi Rotary Club highlighted the
        development of children," said Craig Silliker, a spokesperson   club's long-standing commitment to literacy: "Investing in
        for the camp. "Through regular physical activity, children   literacy is an investment in our community’s future. The
        develop important social skills, imaginations, and self-  ability to read and comprehend is fundamental for success in
        esteem. However, we also know that not enough Canadian   life, and supporting programs like PALS Camp ensures that
        children are meeting the recommended daily physical activity   our children have the tools they need to thrive academically."

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