Page 24 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 24

Miramichi Art Core

        A Year of Creativity and Collaboration By Terry Power

            The Miramichi Art Core had a very busy spring and
        summer. The 2024 season started again with our group show
        in Galerie ARTcadienne at the Carrefour Beausoleil in April.
        The exhibit of new original work by our artists was well
        received again this year, with plans in place for another show
        in April 2025. May saw two meetings with ArtsNB in the
        Miramichi region. One was at Metepenagiag Heritage Park
        and the other at Carrefour Beausoleil.  The networking
        sessions were very informative, and we intend to strengthen
        our relationships with ArtsNB to further promote the arts in
            In June the group had two weekend gatherings and paint-
        outs at Terry Power’s place in Hardwicke, with several paint
        mediums being explored by the artists.
              On July 13/14 the group hosted a Plein Air event at the
        Beaverbrook Kin Center in Miramichi with local and visiting
        artists painting outside around the town square and other
        nearby locations. An Art Tells Stories show of recent works
        by artists from Miramichi and Bathurst was also showing in   Miramichi Art Core members were painting in the Town Square
        the Center. In August the same Art Tells Stories show was   during Plein Air Festival in July.
        later presented in Bathurst by the Bathurst Art Society at the

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