Page 17 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 17

time of life we are all vulnerable and  What advice would you give to a new                   Doug Dolan
        open to possibilities of what life can be.   young writer, someone just starting
        How long did it take you to complete     Be kind to yourself, there will be
        the book?                            lots of times you will want to throw it
            It took approximately one year to   away. If you have a story to tell, it will
        write the book, about three hundred   find its way out.
        hours. I had twenty folks that I didn’t
        know from across Canada, read the  What’s next for you, as a writer?
        manuscript and complete an on-line       I am working on a second book
        reader survey. It was an interesting  featuring Christmas stories.  Terry
        exercise.                            Matthews, a good friend and
                                             accomplished artist has agreed to do
        What method did you use for getting   some sketches for it. I am also near
        the book published?                  completion of a story on the Burchill   complicated ideas understandable. His
            That is a work in progress. I had no   Dynasty (1840 – 1970’s). That is a story   compassion is real. I have a great park
        idea of what was involved in getting the   of grit, determination and generosity.   nearby. It is open year around. I walk
        book in front of a publisher. I knew it   My goal is to write until I have nothing   there often.
        was a good read and thought they would   more to observe, hopefully no time   Stories From the River is available
        agree. Like I said before I am a slow   soon.                             at Mill Cove Coffee and it will be
        learner.  One publisher told me that                                      available at  Or purchase it
        many readers today, want to be  What are you currently reading?           directly from Doug by emailing him at
        entertained, they don’t want to learn.   Reading is what I have always
        I’m not so sure of that. I decided to self  enjoyed from childhood. I am a book   The price of $25 includes tax and
        publish and had it printed at  Alegra  worm. I just read a book profiling Pope   shipping. If you read the book, Doug
        Printing (Moncton). They are great to  Francis. Regardless of your religious   welcomes your feedback on what you
        work with.                           belief, the man is brilliant and can make   liked, or didn’t like, and the reasons

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  17
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