Page 14 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 14

A Family Affair ‐ October 25 & 26

        Few Things Can Haunt You Like Family

            “A Family Affair,” the upcoming                                         own future, and preparing to propose
        production from Character Matters                                           to his long-time sweetheart. Peter and
        Miramichi – to be staged on October                                         Isabella’s daughter, Blanche, was a
        25 and 26 (7:00pm) at the St James                                          student, with aspirations that meant
        and St John United Church Centre –                                          she would need to confront society’s
        is subtitled  “A story of family                                            taboos about both women, and the
        tension, and personal scandal, in                                           infirm. In 1872, the revelation of a
        Victorian Miramichi.” Some in the                                           long-kept secret proved to be the
        cast and crew have even referred to                                         beginning of more than two decades
        it as “A Victorian soap opera.”                                             of strife, as the family was tested and
            The Victorian era is one of the                                         taxed in ways they could scarcely
        most romanticized periods in our                                            imagine, let alone endure.
        community’s past – a time when                                                  This is a show about the
        industry boomed, settlers began to                                          struggles people face, both at home
        see “home” as no longer being across                                        and within themselves. Its characters,
        the ocean, and when the names                                               and broader themes, are as applicable
        Rankin,    Cunard,     Snowball,                                            in our own time as they were in the
        Hutchison, and  Burchill were                                               19th century – faith struggling to not
        synonymous with “progress.” Today,                                          become intolerance; power being
        we understand  Victorian values                                             tempted by corruption; a sense of
        somewhat differently, as having a much more bleak side that  compassion giving ground to a desire to manipulate and
        was rarely spoken about, at that time. This production is very  control; strong personalities drifting towards ignorance and
        much interested in that side, and, taking place in the midst of  self-absorption. Our intention is to underscore that the rosy
        the spooky season, ably demonstrates that (sometimes at  glow of the virtuous past clouds the pain and challenges from
        least) few things can haunt you like family.           which any amount of virtue springs. There are no true villains
            Peter Mitchell and Isabella Carvell were married in 1853  in this show, but there aren’t any real heroes either, rather
        and typified the Victorian notion of “separate spheres.” He  there are moments of courage and strength, as well as those
        was a lawyer, businessman, and politician; very much the  of cowardice and meanness.
        public personality. She was concerned with morality and    If you want a play that makes you feel something, this
        spiritual growth, occupying her time in smaller circles and  is certainly the one.
        personal projects. Theirs was a blended family. Isabella’s son,   We hope you’ll join us on October 25 and 26 (7:00pm)
        Jacob, was a man with great potential, who seemed to be  at the St James and St John United Church Centre – tickets
        awaiting the right opportunity to step onto Miramichi’s grand  ($25) available online through Eventbrite, and by calling 506-
        stage. Peter’s son, Will, was laying the cornerstones of his  210-1830.

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