Page 9 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 9

Giving Back Through Thrifting:

        The Miramichi River Valley Community Thrift Store

        by Lois Vickers

            The Miramichi River  Valley
        Community Thrift Store was created out
        of a love of thrifting and a desire to be
        involved with the community. It began
        with six retired women who had
        volunteered at another second-hand
        store that had previously closed. The
        women, Jill  Airhart, Penny Siddall,
        Doris Coughlan, Lorraine Underhill,
        Lou Curtis and Beatrice Hogan met for
        lunch one day and as they reminisced
        about how they missed working together
        and interacting with the public, the idea
        was born to start their own thrift shop.
            Another meeting was held, with               A meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Community Thrift Store volunteers.
        more women invited, and the decision
        was made to call mayor Kevin Russell  rummage sale.  The step at the entrance  Secretary/Treasurer. Volunteers not yet
        to see what space might be available in  was in need of repair and Danny  mentioned here, including past, present,
        the area. Mayor and council thought it  Underhill replaced it and put on a  and seasonal, are Joan Underhill, Marie
        was a great idea and Sharon Vickers,  railing, no charge.                 Saunders, Linda Coughlan, Doreen
        counselor in charge of buildings,        In May 2024 the business number  Stewart, Fran Beet, Jean Curtis, Rhoda
        suggested the old firehall in Renous. It  was approved and Miramichi River  Manderville and Christine Saunders.
        had an empty bay, room for storage, and  Valley Community Thrift Store became   The store is open  Wednesday,
        an adjoining kitchen and washroom –  official. Money raised from the store  Thursday, and Friday, 10am to 3pm, and
        perfect for their needs.             covers operating expenses and all staff  the last Saturday of each month  at 29
            With Sharon and the council’s  are non-paid volunteers.  The group  Schofield Street in Renous. Cash sales
        guidance and the help of a lawyer, a  plans to make regular donations to local  only.  Donations are accepted during
        business plan was created, directors  causes and this month they were happy  open hours.
        were named, and they applied for non-  to donate $500 to the Miramichi  SPCA.   Follow and like Miramichi River
        profit status.                           The board of directors are Lois  Valley Thrift Store on Facebook, to stay
            Word quickly spread among family  Vickers – Chair, Lorraine Underhill -  up to date on sales and specials,
        and friends, and donations began to  HR Coordinator, and Penny Siddall-  including their Christmas sale.
        come in.  Folklore Park donated their
        half and half draw, Blackville Home
        Hardware gave paint and supplies, and
        people donated money. Before long the
        women were busy cleaning and painting
        the bay, ordering shelves and signing up
        more volunteers.
            One of the new volunteers, Marie
        Beres’s husband and son are carpenters
        and volunteered to put up shelves, fix
        doorknobs, and find racks for the
        clothing. The Renous Catholic Women’s
        League (CWL) donated 8 tables, and the
        Anglican Church  Women (ACW)
        donated clothes, household items, books  The thrift store is operated by volunteers and sells gently-used clothing & accessories for
        and Christmas decorations from their  men, women and children, bedding, linens, household items, dishes, decor, toys and more!

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  9
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