Page 16 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 16

Doug Dolan Reflects on Life and Self‐Discovery in

        Stories From the River

        by Stacy Underhill

            Writing has been a constant                                           as a child and adult living in
        throughout Doug Dolan’s adult life,                                       Miramichi. They describe the struggles
        both as a high school English teacher                                     of realizing and accepting I am gay. It
        and as a manager at NB Community                                          was important to write the stories to
        College. However, it wasn’t until his                                     sort things out in my head and examine
        retirement that he began exploring                                        the impact on me and others.  The
        creative writing and observing other                                      second reason for writing is to share
        writers’ styles with an eye toward                                        with people who are not out, that they
        developing his own.                                                       deserve to live their lives, honestly and
            Doug has been sharing his short                                       joyfully. I also want people who are
        stories with our Giv’er readers over the                                  heterosexual to realize being gay is one
        past couple of years and we are pleased                                   part of who we are. You may discover
        to hear he has published a book, Stories                                  we are the same person you knew
        From the River, a memoir of his life on                                   before learning we are gay.
        the Miramichi. He was happy to                                                  The inspiration for the book
        answer a few questions about his book,                                    comes from knowing some wonderful
        and journey as an author.                                                 people who taught me some critical life
                                                                                  lessons. I am a slow learner, so they
        In your opinion, what makes a great                                       needed a lot of patience. I included a
        story?                                                                    few of these folks in my book, one in
            Reality is critical. Each one of us                                   particular who was unsuccessfull in
        has a story to tell. Some of the most interesting people live   dealing with his own struggles. But that did not stop him from
        quiet non assuming lives. Many times, behind the curtain are   helping me with mine.
        stories of battling internal and or external struggles. Stories
        of generosity, courage, determination are often no more than  Do you have a favourite story from the book?
        a “Tim’s Coffee” away.                                     There are two favourite stories/people in the book. The
                                                               first is “Al and Me”, Al being who I spoke of in the previous
        Why was it important to you to write these stories?    response. The second is Gerald. He came into my life at that
            Stories From the River chronicles my personal journey

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