Page 66 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 66

The Owl’s Rest Disc Golf Course

        By author

        How Disc Golf Came to Miramichi                        What is Disc Golf?
            In September 2021, Chris McEvoy and brother-in-law     Disc Golf is a sport played on a course, typically 9 or 18
        Craig Gourley were preparing to head to PEI for a disc golf  holes, from a starting point (tee pad) to a hole (basket). The
        trip. The night before they left, Chris’s neighbors had a few  object of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest
        friends over for a bonfire. One of those friends was Jim  number or throws possible. Similar to ball golf, disc golf uses
        Wiltshire and as they talked, it was quickly realized there was  discs to aim and throw towards a basket instead of a ball
        a passion for disc golf among the three. Chris reached out to  aiming towards a hole in the ground. A disc golf basket is a
        Jim a few weeks later and a conversation began about  metal structure with a chain assembly and a cage that the disc
        possibly getting a course in the ground in the Miramichi area,  is thrown into to complete the hole. Players start at hole 1
        as they had to travel to Moncton or Ripples to play the nearest  and play each hole, keeping track of how many times they
        18-hole course.                                        throw. The player with the lowest number of throws wins.
            Jim, Chris and Craig quickly realized they made a great
        team and in the fall of 2021, they approached the Miramichi   Why play Disc Golf?
        Cross Country Ski Club about building an 18-hole disc golf   Disc golf is a fun, easy to learn, lifelong outdoor game,
        course on the property for off-season use. This is a common   and compared to mainstream sports it costs much less to
        practice around the world; ski trails are used as disc golf   begin playing. Disc golf is accessible to all demographics and
        fairways and with the upgraded trail system at the MCCSC   ability levels. Disc golf also is a great way to get outdoors,
        it was a perfect match. With that, The Owl’s Rest Disc Golf   enjoy the beautiful trails, enhance your health and challenge
        Club (DGC) Inc., non-profit organization was born, and the   yourself!
        design process began.                                      As of 2023 there were approximately 14,000 disc golf
            With some very hard work by Jim, Chris and Craig, and   courses around the globe and it is one of the fastest growing
        support from the disc golf community, local business’s, RDC,   sports in the world.
        Sport NB, the Government of Canada, and the City of        Atlantic Canada is widely seen as one of the best places
        Miramichi community development program, it became a   in the country to play disc golf and Miramichi is no
        reality. The Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club executive   exception! The Owl’s Rest Disc Golf Course is a beautiful
        realized the potential of making the property a multi-use   18-hole, 5200 ft, par 60 course, built with superior quality
        facility and gave The Owl’s Rest DGC Inc. the green light to   Discmania DiscGolfPark baskets and signage, and Level Turf
        build the course. On July 1st 2023 The Owl’s Rest Disc Golf   tee pads. The course is designed to focus on shot placement
        Course was officially opened to the public.            and not power and distance. This levels the playing field and
                                                               beginners will see early success while still challenging
                                                               seasoned players to think about shot placement, creating a

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