Page 65 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 65

Seamen’s Hospital: A Marine Hospital

        and National Historic Site of Canada

            Nestled among the                                                                operating and upkeep of
        trees on the banks of the                                                            the property is solely done
        Miramichi    River    in                                                             through various events
        Douglastown is one of                                                                organized by the volunteer
        Miramichi’s little known                                                             staff, through rental of the
        gems.   This charming                                                                building for various events
        building is a  National                                                              such    as    weddings,
        Historic Site of Canada.                                                             retirements,  birthdays,
        Built in 1830 by the Port                                                            cultural events, dances and
        of Miramichi, it is the                                                              so on.
        oldest surviving marine                                                                 This year we are
        hospital in Canada.  It                                                              planning a quilt show in
        was financed through a tax                                                           the summer, an  open
        on shipping tonnage and                                                              house tour in August, and
        for nearly 100 years it                                                              occasional tours of the
        provided care for sick or                                                            building by appointment.
        disabled seamen who had                                                              In late September,  apple
        no family in the area, and were mostly involved in the timber  pies will be made and sold (must be pre-ordered).  In late
        trade.  The design and structure of the building is composed  October, turkey pies will be made and sold (must be pre-
        of local sandstone with a roof line capped by a distinctive  ordered) dependent on product costs to make sure this is still
        cupola, which are all reflective of the architectural style that  viable as a fund raiser. The Annual Christmas Craft Sale
        was popular in the early 19th century of British North  will be held in early November.  The Miramichi Fiddlers
        America.                                               will again have their November Fiddle-Doo and Potluck
            It served as a hospital providing health service to  Supper–stay tuned for the date.  The popular Friends of
        mariners until 1921, after which it was used for various health  Seamen's Hospital Craft Group has been re-established for
        related activities.  It was sold to St. Samuel’s Roman Catholic  Wednesdays 9am to 3pm.
        Church thereafter and used as a church hall until late 1980’s.    We love the building and its heritage in the community
        In 1990, it came up for sale and it was feared the building  and want it to live on.  New members are always welcome.
        would be demolished.  The historical significance of the   For more information and updates find ‘Seamen’s
        building was recognized by a group of local historians and   Hospital Miramichi’ on Facebook and look to Giv’er
        the site became the property of Miramichi Heritage, Inc.   magazine for our events. The Seamen’s Hospital is located
            A commemorative plaque was placed on the lawn  at 12 Vye Street, Miramichi (Douglastown).
        between the flag poles in 2000 designating this building as a
        National Historic Site.  Miramichi Heritage Inc. is proud to              Seamen’s Hospital decorated for a wedding.
        have been instrumental in saving it for this distinction.
            Since 2017 much needed renovations were made to the
        hall.  Foundation work, replacement of all windows and
        doors, and stonework were repaired as a result of fundraising
        by its members, and financial assistance from the Federal,
        Provincial and local governments.  This update will secure
        many more years of life for the building and provide for its
        use by the community.
            Currently Miramichi Heritage Inc., also known as
        Seamen’s Hospital, offers activities for seniors, youth and
        folks of all ages and is used as a gathering place in the
        community.  Many see the value of such a stately building
        and the heritage and value it has in the community.  All

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