Page 61 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 61

Art Exhibits and Events

        Plein Air Miramichi                                                     Some of the places we’ll visit this year:
        Plein Air Miramichi is an informal                                         Ritchie Wharf
        group that gets together every other                                    Blackville Park
        week, either on a Friday or a Saturday,                                 Morrison Cove
        to paint outside. Plein Air is the art of                               England Hollow park - Chatham
        working outdoors, directly from the                                     Macdonald Farm
        subject matter, in a quickened fashion.                                 Fletchers Farm
        The get together is open to anyone                                      Wilson’s Point
        who would like to join in; everyone is                                  Kethro Park - New Castle
        welcome no matter what your skill                                       French Fort Cove
        level is.                                                               Hays Island
            Bring your smiles, your supplies,                                   and more
        lunch, and an interest in learning                                          The Tuesday before each outing,
        more while networking with each                                         when the weather forecast is known, the
        other.                                                                  meeting location and confirmed date will
            Plein Air Miramichi resumed on                                      be posted on our Facebook page,
        May 3, and is scheduled for every                             
        two weeks.

                                 Studio Open House
                                 Firefly Studio and Knot N Butt Wood, along with local guest artists, will host an open
                                 house in the garden, showcasing fine art, woodworking and more, on Sunday August 4.
                                 Everyone is welcome to attend from 11-4 pm for an informal get-together, discussions with
                                 the artists, and viewing of works.

                                 Located at 4837 Route 108, Derby, just 12 minutes outside Miramichi.
                                 Follow our Facebook pages for updates, and in case of inclement weather.

        Annual Plein Air Festival: July 13-14                  Art Tells Stories Show
            The Annual Plein Air Festival is hosted by Miramichi   The Art Tells Stories Show is an annual Art Display and
        Art Core and Bathurst Art Society.  This event alternates  sale put on by members of the Miramichi Art Core and
        each year between Miramichi and Bathurst.  In July 2024,  Bathurst Art Society.
        Miramichi Art Core will welcome local artists and those from   Each Year the artists from the two groups choose a theme
        other regions to participate in two days of painting on site in  and complete paintings that tell the story of how each
        downtown Newcastle.                                    interprets the theme.   This  Year’s theme is “Personal
            The event will take place on July 13 and 14.  Registration  Memory.”
        and art display will be at Beaverbrook Kin Centre daily from   The completed art will be on display in each city.
        8:30 am to 4:30pm. Registration details are available online   The Art Tells Stories show in Miramichi will coincide
        at                            with the Plein Air festival on July 13 and 14.  The art will
            Registered artists will be eligible to win the People’s  be on display and for sale at the Beaverbrook Kin Centre
        Choice Cash awards.  First and second place awards are being  during the Plein Air Festival.
        given to the piece of art that the public votes to be most
        popular.                                                Miramichi Art Core at Wilson’s Point Historic Site
            The public is encouraged to come out and meet the artists   August 27: Miramichi  Art Core members will be
        as they work and to view the art as it is brought in for display.    painting on site during the Scottish Festival Family Day .
        All completed pieces will be for sale at the Beaverbrook Kin   Come out and meet the artists as they paint.
        Centre.                                                    October 12: Miramichi Art Core members will have
                                                               their art for sale at the Wilson’s Point Fall market.
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