Page 70 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
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Peacekeepers Ceremony - August 9

                                The Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association

            Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association (CPVA)
        Miramichi Chapter, is hosting a ceremony to recognize and
        celebrate 76 years of Canada’s Peacekeeping with the United

            Peacekeepers Ceremony at Elm Park, Chatham.
                         Friday 9 August 2024,
                          Starting at 10:45 am

        In honour of Canadian Peacekeepers (past and present) from
        the Canadian  Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted
        Police, Provincial/Municipal Police, Diplomats and Civilians
        on UN Missions from 1948 - 2024
            The public is invited to come out and celebrate all the
        Peacekeepers who have served and to remember those who
        paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives in the pursuit of
        world peace.                                           OPEN-INVITATION to all veterans CPVA Breakfast
            We encourage all Veterans to attend.               Date:   Saturday 13 July 2024
                                                               Place: Portage Restaurant, Miramichi, NB
        Join Our Association - New Members Welcome             Time: Meet & Greet 09:30 – 10:00
            Membership with the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans   Meal: Breakfast 10 – 11:00
        Association (CPVA) joins together retired and serving
        military and police force veterans.   CPVA members provided   RSVP:  Event Coordinator, Ed Oursien 506-622-1580,
        peace and security worldwide for Canada, domestically and Payment for meal is the
        abroad, on United Nations missions and others. Canadians   responsibility of each person attending.
        continue to do so worldwide. CPVA supports and recognizes   To learn more about joining our association, contact
        all veterans.  As a member you will enjoy our comradeship.   Membership  Director,   Tom      O’Keefe      at
                                                      or call Ray at  506-627-6437.
                                                               Membership dues are $20 per/year.

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