Page 10 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
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Miramichi River Valley

        Blackville, Renous, Sunny Corner and more!

            Nestled along some of the most       Seven Atlantic salmon fishing       If you're a fan of winter sports,
        famous salmon fishing rivers in the  rivers  exist within the borders of  don't miss the chance to experience
        world, in the heart of New Brunswick,  Miramichi River  Valley: the Main  some of the best local venues. The
        is the picturesque Rural Community  Southwest      Miramichi,    Cains,  Sunny Corner  Arena and the  Tom
        of Miramichi River Valley. With a  Bartholomew, Dungarvon, Northwest  Donovan  Arena in Renous offer
        population of just over seven  Miramichi and the Little Southwest  fantastic facilities for ice sports
        thousand residents, Miramichi River  Miramichi    Rivers.   There   are  enthusiasts. For those who dream of
        Valley is an access point to an  numerous privately-owned lodges in  skating under the stars, the Blackville
        extensive snowmobile and ATV trail  the area, where anglers can book  Outdoor Rink offers a magical
        system and also boasts a beautiful  accommodations and a fishing guide.  outdoor experience.
        municipal park in Blackville – home      Several notable figures, including   In the woods west of Blackville
        to many local events.                King Charles, Marilyn Monroe, and  you'll find the site of the legendary
            Just a short stroll or a quick drive  baseball legend Ted Williams, have  Dungarvon  Whooper,       New
        from the park, you'll find the new  spent fishing trips in the area.      Brunswick’s famous ghost. Some
        outdoor basketball and pickleball        If fishing isn’t your thing, rent a  believe his spirit was put to rest during
        courts. These courts are open daily  cottage and spend a few of days  an exorcism by a local priest but
        from 8am until 9pm, providing ample  canoeing, swimming, or tubing  others claim to still hear his mournful
        opportunity to get your game on in the  down the river.  River tubing is  howls. To this day, there are people
        fresh air. New tennis and pickleball  available at two nearby locations, and  afraid to visit the Whooper Spring and
        courts are also set to open this year in  canoes can be rented throughout the   on a clear night, if you listen just
        Sunny Corner.                        Miramichi River Valley.              right... you might find out why.

                                                                                           Municipal Park in Blackville
                                                                                             Photo by Les McLaughlin

            With an Interpretive Trail system, splashpad, a playground, picnic area, boat launch and an observation deck, the
        municipal park is located in the centre of Blackville on the site of the first lumber mill, where logs were run down the river
        from miles away to be processed in the early 1900's. The Amy Jardine Memorial Pavillion is host to musical nights, a
        market,  and community events throughout the year, such as NB Day and Canada Day celebrations.

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