Page 14 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 14

Back to Basics: Nature's Healing

                         Take Your Heart for a Walk in the Woods...

            The Miramichi Region’s expansive woodlands, rivers,  smooth rock riverbanks to leafy forest floors, offer ample
        and beaches, provide an ideal setting for rejuvenating nature  opportunities for grounding.
        experiences like forest bathing and                                        The Miramichi River itself is a
        grounding. These practices promise not                                  powerful presence for grounding.
        only relaxation but also a profound                                     Strolling along its banks, with the soft,
        connection with the natural world, offering                             cool mud underfoot, connects you to the
        numerous health benefits.                                               earth in an intimate and immediate way.
            Forest bathing, or 'Shinrin-yoku', a                                The gentle sounds of flowing water
        term coined in Japan, involves immersing                                complement this grounding experience,
        oneself in nature. This practice isn't about                            enhancing the therapeutic benefits and
        physical exertion; rather, it's about                                   helping to reduce feelings of anxiety.
        allowing the senses to wander and absorb                                   Visitors to Miramichi are invited to
        the forest atmosphere. The act of slowly                                step away from their screens and
        walking, observing the light filtering                                  schedules to immerse themselves in the
        through the leaves, and breathing in the                                gentle embrace of nature. Whether you’re
        phytoncides—natural oils emitted by                                     forest bathing amidst the whispering pines
        wood plants—has been scientifically                                     or grounding along the tranquil river,
        shown to reduce stress, improve mood,                                   Miramichi offers a natural refuge that
        enhance focus, and even boost the immune           Photo by Stacy Underhill  nurtures the body, quiets the mind, and
        system.                                                                restores the spirit.
            Grounding, another enriching practice, involves direct   Bring along some birdseed and experience the joy of a
        contact with the earth's surface—the simple act of walking  feathered friend landing gently in your hand. Birds can often
        barefoot on the ground. This contact helps stabilize the body’s  sense our energy and emotions, and a calm, grounded state
        natural defenses by realigning the electrical energy in your  creates a safe and inviting environment for them.
        body, leading to decreased inflammation, improved sleep,   Experience the transformative power of nature in
        less stress, and a general boost in well-being.  The  Miramichi. Let the forest rejuvenate your soul and the earth
        Miramichi’s diverse terrains, from soft sandy beaches and  ground your being.

               Grounding, also known as earthing,

           involves making direct physical contact
           with the surface of the Earth, such as
           walking barefoot on grass, rocks, or soil.

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