Page 15 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 15

Enchanted Woods

        Discovering Magic in Nature

            For those who venture into nature with an open mind and a heart
        full of wonder, a realm of enchantment awaits, where the ordinary
        transforms into the extraordinary and the forest becomes magical.
            Moss covered stumps transform into fairy castles and sunbeams
        cast images of angel and fairy wings - if you have a desire to believe.
        Faces appear in the bark of trees and roots form doorways into hidden
            With a childlike sense of wonder, one can't help but imagine the
        tiny inhabitants who call these whimsical places home, flitting about
        in the dappled sunlight and seen only as a flicker in the corner of your
            As you explore local trails, keep your ears tuned to the whispers of
        the wind and a rush of giggles carried on the breeze. Legend has it that
        woodland sprites ride on the backs of dragonflies, dance with the
        lightening bugs and weave spells of protection around the land.
            If you wander deeper, to where the air is still and the world is
        hushed, you may sense the veil to the unseen world grow thin.
            So, the next time you find yourself amidst the beauty of nature, take
        a moment to pause, to breathe, and to open your senses to the wonders
        that surround you. For in doing so, you may just find that the greatest
        magic of all is simply being present and allowing yourself to be
        enchanted by the world around you.
            Who knows what wonders you may discover in these enchanted
        woods? There is magic in believing.
                                                                                                  Photos by Stacy Underhill

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