Page 20 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 20


        Eel Ground First Nation

            The Natoaganeg (Eel Ground) First Nation is a          Once a year, the third weekend in July, the
        Mi’kmaq community located on the North  West  Natoaganeg community hosts a powwow. It is a four day
        Miramichi River just west of Miramichi City.  The  celebration of our Mi’kmaq heritage which includes
        Community’s origins can be traced back to the 1760's  two full days of traditional dancing and drumming, with
        when a Treaty was signed between King George and our  an amazing fireworks display over the Miramichi River.
        Mi'kmaq ancestors, the first people of the Miramichi.   It is a drug and alcohol free event that showcases our
        The name “Eel Ground” was chosen because of the  Mi’kmaq dances, songs, regalia, foods, crafts, art, and
        abundance of eels in that segment of the Miramichi River  more.
        bordering the Reserve.                                     It is a true traditional powwow where there are no
            The community’s elected leaders, consisting of one  entrance or parking fees, where those attending are treated
        Chief and ten councillors, oversee the administration of  to feasts and, if you choose to dance, you leave with a gift
        numerous programs and services for Community  and an invitation to return next year. Our event draws
        members. The community school for grades K to 8 offers  spectators and participants from all over and has been
        instruction in Mi’kmaq to all grade levels and staff have  referred to as the biggest powwow in the Maritimes.
        worked diligently with federal, provincial and private     We are very proud of our community and its steps to
        organizations translating and recording our Mi’kmaq  keep up with the modern world, while we strive to keep
        language and developing a Mi’kmaq curriculum to be  sacred, the values and traditions of our elders. It is this
        used at the provincial level.                          balance that makes Eel Ground a unique community.
                                                                   To learn more visit

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