Page 8 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
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More Than Just a Museum

        The Atlantic Salmon Museum Welcomes Visitors

        to Relax, Recharge, and Explore.

            Enjoying a long-awaited vacation
        or just out for a day trip?  Take a break,
        stretch your legs and let us entertain
        you.  Our lawn is huge with plenty of
        picnic tables and chairs and a beautiful
        view of the Miramichi River that is
        guaranteed to calm your soul and bring
        a smile to your face. Or choose one of
        our out-front deck chairs and watch the
        busy world go by while you calmly
        fortify yourself with a scoop of the best
        ice cream in town.
            If the kids are cranky, we have   clean and accessible, we offer WiFi, and  don’t believe in admission fees – we
        indoor scavenger hunts to keep them   our entire building is air conditioned.   think that if you’ve enjoyed yourself,
        busy. If your dog is friendly and likes   And yes, we ARE a museum – for  you’ll tell us and maybe even put a
        treats, bring him in and let the staff   40 years we’ve been celebrating the  contribution in our donation box just to
        fawn over him. If your spouse is eager   Atlantic salmon and the many ways it  emphasize the point.
        to spend some money, close your eyes   has helped to shape our unique        Above all else, we enjoy our
        and turn them loose in our gift shop. If   Miramichi way of life.  Even if you’re  visitors – we do our best to make you
        you like to try your luck on occasion,   not an angler, we think you’ll find our  feel welcome while you’re with us and
        we have weekly draws on Chase the    exhibits interesting and perhaps even a  put you back on the road feeling that
        Ace (our biggest jackpot went for over   bit thought provoking.  Ask about the  stopping off at the Salmon Museum was
        $100,000 – our lowest at $7,000).    three stainless steel salmon hanging in  definitely a good idea and that more
            Take a peek at our  River Room   our Lobby or the replica of the giant  people should know about us.
        that’s become a gathering place for all   fish that was almost caught on the   We’re open all summer long from
        sorts of family events from grad parties   Miramichi.   Tours are self-guided  mid-May until Labour Day (check us
        to baby showers, wedding receptions to   because we believe that most of our  out on Facebook for our hours of
        anniversaries – and remember us when   visitors like to examine things at their  operation).
        something significant happens in your   own pace and we have information     We look forward to seeing you!
        life.  To top it all off, our washrooms are   cards and helpful staff to answer any
                                             questions you might have.  We also

          Central NB Artisans Market                                             Central NB Artisans Market

                                                                             Look for us on the following Saturdays,
                                                                             10am-2pm, across from Betts Village Family
                                                                             Restaurant, 235 Main St, Doaktown.

                                                                             June 15       August 3
                                                                             June 29       August 31
                                                                             July 6        September 7
                                                                             July 27

                                                                             This is an outdoor market and may be cancelled
                                                                             due to weather. Please check our Facebook page
                                                                             for updates.

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