Page 13 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
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with my laptop balanced on my knees                                       well as some spin off stories from the
        and typing with one hand. I can also                                      series. I would also love to continue
        remember writing in fifteen-minute                                        writing children’s picture books and
        intervals because one of my children                                      expanding on those I’ve already
        kept waking up.  That season of my                                        published.
        writing career was marked by baby
        steps. It took two years of showing up                                    Q: What advice would you give to a
        for myself in tiny snippets of time                                       first-time writer, someone just starting
        before I was able to hold a completed                                     out, who has an idea but no experience?
        manuscript in my hands.
            I saw other writers talking about                                        I would say just open a notebook or
        daily word counts in the thousands and                                    Word document and begin to write.
        solo writing retreats.  That was not                                      Don’t overthink it. Don’t start
        feasible for me, especially considering                                   researching publishing or printing
        we were thrust into a global pandemic                                     options. Don’t even spend a lot of time
        almost immediately after I began to                                       on honing your craft. You cannot edit an
        write. I needed to understand and                                         empty journal. You cannot publish a
        embrace my season of life, and that                                       blank page. The difference between the
        meant small steps toward my goal                                          81% who want to write a book and the
        instead of leaps. But I realized that                                     3% who actually finish a manuscript is
        small, consistent steps in the right                                      actually sitting down consistently and
        direction will get you where you want                                     putting words to paper. Carve out time
        to go.                                                                    somewhere, make it a priority, and keep
            And life changes quickly.  What                                       showing up to get the story out. The rest
        took me two years for my first book has                                   will come later.
        taken six months for my third. I’ve
        gotten faster in my writing and have                                      Q: Is there anything else you would like
        found what works best for my life and                                     people to know about yourself or your
        schedule. My writing window is usually                                    books?
        after my children are in bed at night. I                                       I always want my books to be
        do my best to maximize the small                                          uplifting. The world can be dark and
        windows of time that I can carve out of                                   depressing, and there are beautiful
        my day. It’s also much easier to write                                    books that engage with tough themes.
        when I am consistent. I figured out what                                  For me, real life is hard enough. I want
        worked for me and stuck with it.                                          my books to be a place of hope in the
                                                                                  face of some of those tough situations.
        Q: What method did you use for                                            While my characters will struggle
        publishing your books?                                                    through some authentic issues, I can
                                                                                  promise that there will never be any
            I think there are lots of great paths   And with an estimated 81% of
        available to writers who want to publish   people dreaming of writing a book   dark, depressing, or explicit content in
        and there are pros and cons to them all.   (according to a survey published in the   my books and that the stories will all
        I prioritized the guarantee of a     NY  Times), I’ve committed to        end happily and with hope.
        published book over the possibility of   encouraging and assisting people who
        being signed by a publishing company.   are interested in self-publishing. I     Chantal’s books are available to
        As such, I immediately decided to self-  believe in self-publishing as a great path  purchase on Amazon or locally at Mill
        publish. There was much to learn about   to launching books into the world.    Cove Coffee in Miramichi. Lester the
        the process, but having done it several                                   Lobster and the Great Escape is also
        times over, I’m confident now in the   Q: What are your goals as a writer?    available at Headwaters Miramichi.
        process and the outcome.                In terms of my writing goals, I      Stay up-to-date with Chantal by
            The publishing world is changing.   would love to have the Sadie Jones  following her on Facebook, Instagram
        Self-publishing and hybrid publishers   series (four books total) finished by  and Tik Tok @chantaljmacdonald and
        have less negative stigma attached to   spring 2025. I have ideas and plans to  by  visiting  her  website  at
        them. They are a guaranteed option for   write a standalone Christmas novella as
        anyone willing to put in the work.
                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  13
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