Page 11 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
P. 11

Cindy Lou’s Corner

                               Wishing and Praying

            Have you ever just wished                                                   to happen.” And if you feed your
        for something or meditated on a                                                 mind these ideas, it will work
        desire or even prayed for it?                                                   with you to make them happen.
            Of course you have! At some                                                    You    live   experiences
        point in our journey, we all have.                                              through the relentless scenarios
        Either   out  of   frustration,                                                 you tell yourself. Most of the
        desperation, fear, or all of the                                                time its about lack, hardship, or
        above.                                                                          fear-based scenarios.  And you
            Sometimes we get exactly                                                    wonder why you are not
        what we asked for, or something                                                 enjoying your life as much as
        better. Sometimes at first, we                                                  you would like.
        think our wish or prayer didn’t                                                    The next time you wish for
        get answered, because it doesn’t                                                something or pray for something,
        look anything like we had hoped for. Those can be a little  pay attention to what shows up and celebrate it and own it.
        tricky, because they often turn out to be something we never  Your ability to make changes in your life will become
        thought of and are much grander than what we expected.   effortless and the problems you will need to solve will be
            In amongst all the wishing and praying we do in our  upgraded to ones like these: “How do I spend a million
        lives, things are unfolding at a rapid speed. Our mind needs  dollars, or what vacation do I want to take? Do I want to live
        things to do, stories to conjure up and drama to create.    on a beach or in the country? Do I want to own a business?
        Because our mind functions best under creating and solving   You can never get away from having problems and trying
        problems, we miss the magic and the power of our ability to  to solve them. It’s a daily activity. Simple ones such as: What
        create instantly or pretty close to instantly.         do I want to wear today? What do I want to eat today? To
            When we pause our mind and acknowledge what we  more stressful ones like how am I going to pay my bills?
        have created, it starts to form a habit or a pattern in the brain   The trick is to train your mind to use its ability to create
        that says “I did that, that’s so cool. I asked for it or prayed  problems, to create scenarios in your life you truly want to
        for it and it happened, Wow!” With this simple but profound  experience. Create good problems to solve! And voila! You
        realization the mind says “Oh yeah, what else would you like  start enjoying life to the fullest.

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  11
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