Page 12 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
P. 12

Writing Through Life’s Challenges:

                                 Chantal MacDonald's

                                 Inspirational Author Journey

                                 Interview by Stacy Underhill

               Chantal MacDonald
            Chantal MacDonald is an author,  extreme devastation at only nine years
        and a teacher by trade with a Master of  old. Now on the cusp of her high school
        Arts in English Literature from the  graduation, Sadie is more than ready for
        University of Ottawa. In early 2020 she  a future that will take her away from the
        was a stay-at-home mom to three young  small town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
        children under four years old, and she   As the year is wrapping up, she
        decided to write a novel.            catches the attention of a cute lobster
            As we all know, the year 2020 came  fisherman who works down at the local
        with a special set of restrictions and  docks. Tom Carter is everything Sadie
        obstacles, and as Chantal said in her  would want—he’s charming, honest,
        blog, it is a miracle she accomplished  and hardworking, but will he ever be
        anything at all, let alone write her first  able to accept her distrust of God?
        novel. But she did. And this spring she   When a stranger from her mother’s
        published her third book in the series.    past reaches out, Sadie finds herself
            I am so inspired by her journey and  poised to experience the culture and
        how she found time to “write in the  adventure she’s always dreamed of, but
        margins” of her days, and I know our  she also is on the brink of emotional
        Giv’er readers will be too. Chantal is a  breakdown.
        Miramichier who grew up in Sunny         I hope that as readers follow Sadie
        Corner and now lives in Moncton with  through her struggles and triumphs
        her husband and children.            (whether one book or them all) that they   upbringing); and there needed to be
                                             will be encouraged in their own      themes of hope while facing some of
        Q: Tell us about the books you’ve  journeys. There is hope and peace to be   the harsh realities of life.
        written.                             found, even in the hard seasons of life.    From there I just began to write.

            I have written three novels: Hope at   Q: How did you come to the story idea   There are two kinds of writers—
        the Ocean’s Edge (2022),  A Harbour   and characters in Hope at the Ocean's   planners and pantsers (those who write
        for Broken Hearts (2023), and Peace on   Edge, and did you know it would be a   by the seat of their pants). I am the
        a New Horizon (spring 2024). I have   series when you began?              latter. I knew where I wanted to start
        also written two children’s picture                                       and I knew where I wanted to end, the
        books: Lester the Lobster and the Great   When I first began writing I knew   in-between was a bit of a mystery at
        Escape and Lorraine the Lobster Feels  that I wanted this story to be a series—  times. The characters and circumstances
        Blue. Both children’s books have been  there was so much story to share!   unfolded as I wrote, several of them
        translated into French.              Although I was doubtful if I would be   surprising even me.
            Hope at the Ocean’s Edge is the  able to successfully write one book let
        first book in the Sadie Jones series. The  alone several.                 Q: Did you encounter any obstacles
        genre is Young Adult Christian fiction,   When I began compiling my ideas,   when writing the book and how did you
        and I wrote these novels with the hope  there were a few important details that   overcome them?
        that it would provide young women  I knew I wanted to include: the main         I’m a mom of three young children
        with a wholesome, yet engaging option  character needed to be entering life   and I began writing this book when my
        for literary entertainment.          outside of high school; the setting   youngest was three months old.  The
            The first book follows the main  needed to be an  Atlantic Canadian   biggest obstacle in the beginning was
        character Sadie Jones who experienced  fishing town (a nod to my Miramichi   time. I can remember rocking my baby

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