Page 17 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
P. 17

Awards to NS (NB) Regt.
        soldiers included six Distinguished
        Service Order (DSO), seven Military
        Crosses (MC), two Distinguished
        Conduct Medals (DCM), and two
        Military Medals (MM).

        Reviews of SOLDIERS include the

            “Often, history books tell the
        stories of the past from a bird's-eye
        view of great battles, generals, and
        armies. Bruce Morton's new
        instalment looks at the rare and
        intimate point of view of the        Private George Herman Baker, NS (NB) Regt., seen prior to disembarking the
                                             landing craft on Juno Beach, D-Day, June 6, 1944.
        combatants who directly impacted
        the war.  SOLDIERS shows the
        reader the true human face of war.”
        —Brandon Savage, President of the    country. Their stories deserve to be  Executive Director, Juno Beach
        NS(NB)R Assoc., History Teacher,     told.” — Gary Silliker CD – author,  Centre Association
        and partner with the North Shore     historian, veteran
        Legacy Tours                                                                  Copies of  SOLDIERS are
                                                 “SOLDIERS  is an impressive  available at Mill Cove Coffee
            “SOLDIERS of the North Shore     collection of biographies offering  (Newcastle) and Creative Grounds
        (New Brunswick) Regiment WW2 is      valuable insight into a generation of  (Chatham) or by contacting John
        an ideal companion to Morton’s first   New Brunswickers who went off to  Bosma at 506-773-5271.
        book One Hundred Years. This book    war – many of whom never
        is a valuable contribution to the    returned. Bruce Morton has done a
        military history of Canada on a      service to Canadians by preserving
        grass-roots level; for, at the end of   these stories of a fading generation
        the day, wars are fought by          of young men through careful
        individuals on behalf of their       research.” — Alex Fitzgerald-Black,

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  17
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