Page 3 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Fall Giver 2024
P. 3

Upcoming Performance Nov. 9 & 10

                                         Within The Dreary Round

                                         By: Thomas Daley

            The wilderness of New Brunswick                                       known as Eaton’s. Three hundred men
        has, for certain, claimed more lives than                                 searched for Leslie Allan, some of those
        we will ever know. Even today, after                                      men were Wade’s family members.
        centuries of logging, 85 percent of the                                      As he continued cutting my hair, I
        province remains wooded.  This land                                       could see how much the story meant to
        still belongs to the trees. They have held                                him. He talked about discussing the
        council here long before man was brave                                    story on long road trips with our good
        enough, or stupid enough, to venture                                      friend, Shawn McCarthy, and their own
        into their domain. A sense of humility                                    search party at the Provincial Archives,
        and respect is needed when walking                                        for information on Leslie  Allan, his
        through those evergreen corridors. One                                    wife, children, friends, and the men
        wrong turn, and you could be visiting                                     who were last to see him.  When Wade
        for far longer than you anticipated.                                      was done with my haircut, and the floor
            There is a short poem simply titled                                   now looked like several grey squirrels
        "Leslie  Allan" by the late poet                                          had been skinned, he proceeded to draw
        Michael Whelan. Whelan is, of course,                                     a map of the area on a white board,
        most famous for the "Dungarvon                                            showing the lay of the land, the river,
        Whooper," a massive poem about a     performed it at the Miramichi Folksong   and how the rainfalls affected the
        murdered cook in a lumber camp, and   Festival this year.   A video of his   search. I was growing more and more
        his restless spirit that haunts the area.   performance of the song, as part of the   interested in the whole thing and was
        For every person who has heard of the   2020 virtual Folksong Festival, can be   pondering if there was a way to get this
        Dungarvon Whooper there is an equal,   found on the Miramichi Folksong    relatively unknown story on stage.
        or greater, number who have never    Festival's YouTube  channel; Wade's   Luckily,  Wade had already written a
        heard of Leslie  Allan; I was one of   musical talent, and passion for the story,   script, adapted from the poem, and I
        them.                                are clearly on display.  Wade sings the   was more than honoured when he asked
            I was chatting with Wade Hallihan,   poem beautifully, capturing Whelan's   me to be a part of it.
        while he was cutting my ever-greying   words, and the details of the story of a   So, please join us this November
        hair at the Rocksteady Barber Shop – a   young man from "Moncton town"    for Far Within the Dreary Round the
        shop you should all visit (599 King   who dared trek into the Blackville   Leslie Allen Story; November 9th at
        George Hwy), if you have even one hair   forests near "bleak Black Brook" to   the St. James & St. John United Church
        on your head.  He recounted the story   "win a hunters crown."            Centre at 7pm. November 10th at the
        to me, as one of the few who know the    That man was Leslie Allan, he was   Folklore Park in Renous at 2pm. Tickets
        Leslie Allan poem very well.         a manager at the Moncton branch of the   are $25. Surprise refreshment.
            Wade has set it to music and     former Canadian retail juggernaut

         Cover Photo:  Sunrise in Miramichi, photo by Edna Trevors Moorhouse.

         Giv’er is about enjoying your day, giving it your all, putting some muscle behind it, giving it some gas, all the while staying
         true to good Miramichi values. Send us your good stuff to talk about on the river! We’re looking for events, stories,
         celebrations, pictures and articles about what’s up, what’s new, what’s happening.  Keep it positive, and we’ll promote it .

          Editor/Layout Design: Stacy Underhill  Ad Design: Cindy MacLean   Submissions:
          Giv’er Miramichi is published and copyrighted by MCG Media, a   Tel: 506-352-7668
          division of Mighty Miramichi Inc., PO Box 4166, Station D, Miramichi,   Facebook:
          NB, E1V 7K9.                           Web:

          With the participation of the Government of Canada.
                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  3
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