Page 26 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Christmas-Winter Giver 2024
P. 26

New Book Teaches Listening to Our Inner Guidance

        Book summary by Tyler R. Tichelaar, editor, Superior Book Productions.

            Conrad  Toner’s new book  Tapping into the Power  remained open to learning, and soon after, he discovered the
        Within: Your Journey to Empowered Success starts with a  Law of Attraction.
        powerful opening sentence: “We all know better than to     One of the book’s most powerful moments for me was
        spend our time living in fear, but too many of us do exactly  when the National Farmers Union and Canadian Universities
        that every single day as if there were no                            Overseas (CUSO) asked him to go to
        alternative.”  Toner then goes on to state,                          Nicaragua to help the farmers there. On that
        “None of us should be living in pain. We                             trip, he met a young man who had lost both
        were not put on this earth to suffer.” Toner                         his legs during a civil war. Toner was amazed
        knows it’s time to change that, and that                             that the young man was still alive. The man
        change can happen by changing our thoughts                           explained that he had survived not because
        first.                                                               of the minimal medical care he had received
            Toner compares changing our thoughts                             but because he believed he still had a purpose
        to learning to ride a bicycle. He recalls that                       in life. His goal was “to free my children’s
        no matter how many times he fell off his bike                        children” (to free future generations of
        when he first learned to ride, he was                                Nicaraguans). And to accomplish that, given
        determined to get back on and try again. By                          the meager resources available, he, in effect,
        staying focused on the process, he achieved                          had to heal himself. Toner was incredibly
        the balance and success needed. The same is                          moved by this man’s words, which forever
        true with our thoughts. If we make a                                 made him understand the importance of
        conscious effort to change them, and we                              knowing your purpose in life.
        persevere and stay focused, despite setbacks,                            Ultimately,  Toner reveals that we are
        in time we will succeed, and that change will                        responsible for our own happiness. He cites
        open us up to new possibilities.                       many famous thinkers from Norman  Vincent Peale to
            Toner has had a successful career as a life coach who  Abraham-Hicks and also his own mother, who have all said
        helped others achieve clarity and joy, but his life started out  that no one can make us happy except ourselves. To become
        very differently. He was raised on a farm in Grand Falls, NB,  happy, we have to develop new thought patterns. Toner offers
        and as a young man, he accompanied his brother on a  several practical exercises for doing this, such as recognizing
        missionary trip to South America. Toner’s eyes were opened  the abundance around us, making lists of what makes us
        to what life was like in Third World countries. When he  happy, and keeping a list of our accomplishments to give us
        returned home, he took over the family farm, believing  a lift when needed. Each chapter also ends with reflection
        growing food was important since there was so much poverty  questions to help us think further on and apply what we have
        and hunger in the world.                               learned in the chapters.
            Toner was a farmer for more than thirty years before he   Tapping Into the Power Within is full of inspiring stories,
        retired and went back to university. That was when he truly  wise advice, and practical tools so you can experience daily
        had his awakening. He studied leadership and philosophy,  joy and peace and spread it to the world.
        and he didn’t quit studying even after he graduated. He    For more info visit

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