Page 55 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 55

A Walk Back in Time Community Tours

            The history of the communities that compose our city is  meet him in the Town Square, a testament in itself to his
        drawn from centuries of stories, and a huge cast of one-of-a-  generosity. Then rediscover your downtown, with the stories
        kind personalities. This summer Character Matters Miramichi  behind the many unique shops of today and the monuments
        plans to revive those stories and                                               to the shire-town’s past.
        reinvigorate those who left their                                                   See  Historic Chatham
        mark on the Miramichi, as their                                                 alongside   the   charismatic
        cast of performers presents “A                                                  business mogul, Joseph Cunard,
        Walk Back in Time” a series of                                                  the prince who stood astride the
        community tours beginning at                                                    town’s industrial might in the
        2:00pm on selected weekends                                                     middle decades of the 1800s.
        through the summer of 2024.                                                     Travel with him from Waterford
        Tickets ($15) for each of these                                                 Green July 20-21, August 17-
        one-hour walks are available                                                    18, and September 21-22,
        just before the tour begins, at the                                             explore rich history, and see
        starting points noted below.                                                    what hidden treasures await. As
            Join your guides (their                                                     you walk, meet the business
        names currently being withheld                                                  owners of today, whose stories
        due to a pending investigation                                                  are as vibrant as any of their
        for violation of the Canada                                                     nineteenth century predecessors.
        Temperance  Act, 1878) for a                                                        Finally, Character Matters
        walk through Scenic Nelson on                                                   Miramichi is happy to revive the
        July 6-7,  August 3-4, and                                                      Walk      Through     Lower
        September 7-8. Get a new perspective on the buildings and  (Douglas)Town on July 27-28, August 24-25, and September
        historic homes that make up the village’s front street, and the  28-29. A village of many firsts, walk through the centuries,
        surrounding neighbourhood. Your walk begins at the Friendly  beginning at the Seamen’s Hospital, 12 Vye Street, while
        Neighbour Senior Citizens Hall (26 Sutton Rd) and will visit  hearing about the union between past and present evident
        the interior of several buildings.                     throughout the community today.
            On July 13-14, August 10-11, and September 14-15,      Follow “Character Matters Miramichi” on social media
        stroll through  Downtown Newcastle with everyone's  for details, or e-mail
        favourite philanthropist, Lord Beaverbrook. An adopted son  Fresh discoveries await; we hope you’ll join us.
        of the Miramichi, and a lifelong champion of the community,

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