Page 27 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2023
P. 27

Douglastown History

        By Doug Underhill

            The village of Douglastown, now part of the City of  village as an elementary school. It later became a museum
        Miramichi, has an interesting history. It was part of a  and was demolished in 2017.
        100,000-acre grant given to two Scots named William        Following Rankin was one of his company men named
        Davidson and John Cort in 1765. Like most Miramichi     Richard Hutchison who continued the lumbering industry.
        communities it too grew out of the logging and lumbering  He built mill houses that stood side by side on the main
        industry.                                               road, which eventually came to be known locally as the
            In 1812 Alexander Rankin and James Gilmour came     "Seven  Sisters"  and  "Two  Brothers."  He  also  built  a
        to the area and set up a lumbering industry. Their firm  number of sailing ships naming them consecutively from
        Rankin and Gilmour Company worked out of what was       "A" to "B" to "C" onward. He eventually sold his company
        known as the Rankin House.                              to his son Richard who built the first electric light plant in
            The village was initially known as Gretna Green, but  1890 and a huge stone mansion, which was later owned
        following the Miramichi Fire of 1825, Rankin invited the  by the Asoyuf family.
        Lieutenant-Governor  Sir  Howard  Douglas  to  come  to    Douglastown continued to grow incorporating into a
        Miramichi to inspect the damage. The community was      village in 1966 and it became part of the new City of
        thus renamed Douglastown in his honour. In recent times  Miramichi in 1995. Today it is a vibrant shopping district,
        the elementary school in the community has honoured the  home to many large retailers, car dealerships, restaurants
        original name by calling itself Gretna Green.           and a marina.
            Rankin also built the stone Seamen’s Hospital and
        later, through the Hutchison’s, his house was given to the

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