Page 24 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2023
P. 24

...continued   A Walk Through Time

        of the house have beautiful bargeboard
        trim with teardrop finishing.  The large  June 12 - Guided Tour - A Walk Through Time
        upper-storey  central  stained-glass  The Miramichi Historical Society will offer this Walk Through Time on
        window  echoes  the  Gothic  peak  that  Monday, June 12 beginning at 6:30pm.  Participants can gather at St.
        shelters it. This home was purchased in  Andrew's United Church, 186 Wellington Street, in the parking lot at
        1926 by the United Church of Canada   6:15pm.    Refreshments  and  discussion  will  follow  the  walk  which
                                              features 17 historic homes. Due to space, not all are mentioned here.
                65 Henderson St. “Sunnyside”
                                                                                  1867  for  a  local  general  merchant,
                                                             52 Howard Street
                                                                                  George H. Russell.
                                                                                     Heading back north on King Street:
                                                                                     57 King Street, William Anderson
                                                                                  House - This house dates to 1859 and
                                                                                  was built in Greek Revival style. The
                                                                                  large central gable breaks the roofline,
                                                                                  and the return eaves on it and on the
                                                                                  corner  boards  signify  the  Classical
        for use as a manse.  It is now owned                                      influences. The first owner of the house,
            65 Henderson Street, Sunnyside   municipal politics, serving as Mayor of
        This large and imposing Victorian home  Chatham,  and  police  magistrate. The
        was built around 1873.  One description  house is built in vernacular style which
        of the house identifies its architecture as  means  the  building  materials  and
        Georgian, but the Italianate-influenced  ultimate look of the edifice were locally
        central  tower  is  also  significant. The  sourced   and   reflected   common
        first  occupants  were  the  William  architectural practices and norms. This
        Muirhead  Jr.  family.  The  Muirhead  home has a steep gable roof broken by
        Shipbuilding and Foundry businesses  a Gothic dormer and lovely gingerbread            William Anderson House
        were  lost,  as  was  Sunnyside,  to  trim  on  the  veranda.  A  bay  window
        bankruptcy  in  1892.  The  house  was  makes an interesting feature on the west  William Anderson, was a “tidewaiter”.
        purchased by W.B. Snowball, a son of  side.                               This job involved waiting for ships to
        the  famous  Snowball  family  of        53  Howard  Street,  Gardener’s  come  into  port  for  their  cargo  to  be
        Chatham.    He  and  his  family  moved  House - This small residence has an  inspected  and  the  duties  and  taxes
        here  from  their  first  home  at  40  interesting history. It was built in 1855  collected. A very interesting feature of
        Henderson Street. Snowball was mayor  by John Shank.  Mr. Shank ran a lobster  this  house  is  its  original  hand-made
        of Chatham for two terms and served a  canning business and also a store which  pegs and wooden nails that were used
        year in the House of Commons before  was situated on the west side of this  in its construction.
        he died in 1925. He was also a founding  house.  In 1892 Mr. W.B. Snowball took  47 King Street, John McDonald
        director of the Miramichi Agricultural  ownership of the house and it became  Residence - John McDonald was one of
        Exhibition.  At one time, the house had  the  gardener’s  home  for  Snowball's  the prominent builders in Chatham.  He
        large greenhouses that stretched from  large  estate  called  “Sunnyside”  (65  is responsible for many of the historic
        the  back  of  the  house  all  the  way  to  Henderson St).  53 Howard Street was  homes and public buildings here such
        King Street.                         constructed using wooden pegs and has  as the Chatham Grammar School (now
            We now turn east on Howard Street  a stone foundation and pine floors.  the School District Office) and various
        to 52 Howard Street, J.Y. Mersereau      The tour continues to 60 Howard  homes throughout the residential and
        Residence  -  This  historic  home  was  Street, to a home built in the 1880's,  downtown area. His own home at 47
        built in 1882 for Dr John Pallen’s son,  and then briefly turns south to 74 King  King Street is a large, rambling affair
        Arthur. It was purchased in 1912 by J.Y.  Street, the Nightingale Medical Clinic,  with evidence of many additions.  In her
        Mersereau, a well-known photographer.  which was once a large country home  Historic Homes of Chatham Vol. III,
        Mr.  Mersereau  was  involved  in    called "Blink Bonnie" and built before  Lois  Martin  remarked  that  Mr.

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