Page 4 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
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                                             July 18-21: Canada’s Irish Festival   July 27-28: Barnaby Days
                                             Enjoy pubs, music, cultural activities,  Saturday:  5 & 10 km run - Registration
                                             walking   parade   and   Miramichi  starts at 6:45 am, run at 7:30 am
                                             hospitality.    $10/person. A breakfast will follow from
                                                                                  8-11am, $8 adults and $5 for kids under
        June 29: Lawn Tractor Night Races    July 20: 3rd Annual Cruising for Cats   12 years old.  In the afternoon there will
        At the Blackville Mower Racing Track,  Car Show   Come support this great   be kids activities, volleyball, badminton,
        81 South Cains River Road            cause at Blackville Municipal Park from   water games, music, and the washer toss
                                             11 am to 3 pm. A fun-filled afternoon of
        July 1: Fundraising Yard Sale        50/50 Draws, prizes, vendors, cotton   tournament.  Register for washer toss
        Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish    candy, sno-cones, BBQ and live       with a partner between 1-1:30pm.
        Giant  Yard Sale will be from 8am -   entertainment, while you browse the   Games start at 2 pm with prizes to be
        12pm in the St. Mary’s Church        cars and bikes on display.  The splash   won.  Miramichi Housing Solutions will
        basement. We’ll have a large assortment   pad and playground will be open in the   be having a cash BBQ all weekend.
        of gently used items for sale. Sale of   park for the kids. Car/Bike Show     Saturday Night: Beer Garden Dance
        hotdogs and strawberry shortcake at   registration and admission is by    featuring Thirsty Rangers, 9 pm -2 am.
        10am.    Donations   are  welcome.   donation with proceeds going to My 3   No entrance after 1 am. Cash BBQ.
        Location: 360 Newcastle Blvd.        Sons Cat Rescue. For more info visit the     Sunday: 1-4pm, Car & Bike Show

                                             Facebook Event page. Rain date July 21.   $10/car or bike - prizes to be won. Live

                                             July 25-28: Miramichi Rock 'n Roll   entertainment by Adam Jardine. Bar open
                                             Festival  Starting Thursday night with   all afternoon with BBQ from 1-5 pm.
                                             an outdoor movie, followed by opening     Aug. 2-5: Doaktown Salmon &
                                             ceremonies on Friday evening with an   Fiddlehead Festival  Includes the Old-
                                             outdoor market, street dance, cruise   Fashioned Annual Fair at the Doaktown
                                             around the river, and fireworks. Car   Community Park on  Aug. 3, and a
                                             show on Saturday & Sunday with live   parade and fireworks on Aug. 4.
                                             music and kids’ activities. Find schedule
        July 6: NB Lumberjack Championship   at  Aug. 9: Peacekeepers Ceremony at
        At the Central NB  Woodmen’s                                              Elm Park, Chatham starting at 10:45 am.
        Museum, 6342 Route 8 Boiestown.  July 27: Graveyard Walk at Wilson’s
        Registration starts at 9am, general  Point  Join the professional guides from  Aug. 17: Community Picnic &
        admission    11:30am     and    the  Character Matters Miramichi as they  Washer Toss Tournament
        competitions begin at 12pm. Admission  lead you through the centuries old  Tuadook  Village Community Centre
        $7 per person. Quack’s Smoke Shack  historic cemetery, once dusk descends  located at 2282 Route 420, Sillikers.
        will be on-site for all your snacks and  and the gates lock. Bring your flashlight
        beverages. For info call 506-369-7214  and someone to hold your hand. Stick
        or email   close, there is no guarantee you'll return   Aug. 18: 7th  Annual Mayor’s
                                             in the same condition you entered or that   Welcome BBQ   This is a free event,
        July 11-14: Sunny Corner Days        you will return at all. We haven't lost a   held at Elm Park in Chatham (Duke
        The Sunny Corner Arena and Ball Field   soul... yet. $10/person. Starting at 8pm   Street) from 1pm-3pm. Cultural
        will be the hub for activities starting   at Wilson’s Point Interpretive Centre, 8   performances, info booths, awards for
        with a parade on July 11and the SloPitch   Enclosure Road, Derby Junction.   multiculturalism,  free  hotdogs,
        Tournament beginning July 12. There                                       hamburgers and cold drinks.
        will also be a Farmer’s Market,
        community breakfast, Family Fun Day,                                      Sept. 15: 50th Anniversary of Nordin
        a dance, and more! Visit Sunny Corner                                     Rec Centre  Mark your calendars and
        Days on Facebook or Instagram for                                         join the Nordin Red Centre in
        more information. The arena is at 32                                      celebrating 50 years! There will be a
        North West Road.                                                          free BBQ, jumping castles, cake, tea &
                                                                                  coffee on Sunday Sept. 15, 11am-2pm.

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