Page 3 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
P. 3


                                           Names Vondy House

            Hospice Miramichi Inc is proud to                                       interred in St Paul’s churchyard at
        announce the naming of their hospice                                        Bushville.  A plaque bearing the
        home, “Vondy House”, located at 51                                          following words was erected at the
        Lobban Ave, 4th floor.  We thank John                                       church by public subscription:
        Bosma for his research into Dr. Vondy’s                                        This memorial was erected as a
        work as the first palliative physician in                                   public testimonial of respect to the
        Miramichi.                                                                  memory of John Vondy, esq., surgeon,
            Given   Dr.   Vondy’s   voluntary                                       who in the faithful discharge of his
        dedication to providing medical care to                                     professional duty, fell victim of
        quarantined refugees, we believe it is most                                 malignant fever which prevailed on
        fitting that we view him as Miramichi’s                                     Middle Island among the passengers
        first palliative physician and name our                                     of the ship Looshtauk.
        hospice after him.                                                             Dr. John  Vondy gave his life
            Dr. John  Vondy set up practice in                                      trying to help suffering immigrants at
        Chatham, NB in April 1847.  Thousands                                       a time when many other doctors
        of refugees from the famine in Ireland                                      refused to tend to them.
        arrived that year, many with the disease of
        typhus.   The barque Looshtauk arrived                                      About Hospice Miramichi Inc.
        June 2, 1847, with several ill passengers.     Dr. John Vondy died at age 26 in 1847,   Hospice Miramichi Inc, a
                                               after caring for more than 300 immigrant
            A temporary shelter was built on   patients who were quarantined on Middle   registered not for profit charity
        Middle Island, about two miles from  Island, before falling ill himself.   established in 2011, welcomed our
        Chatham and passengers were discharged                                     first patient in January 2024 to our 24-
        there.  The port medical officers refused to go to the island.   hour, six bed home-like Vondy House hospice at 51 Lobban
        The authorities had to find a doctor and John  Vondy   Ave, 4th floor.
        volunteered his services.                                  Our licensed nursing staff, specialized in palliative care,
            Facilities were completely inadequate, dysentery ensued,   work in collaboration with Extra Mural to offer end-of-life
        and with the arrival of two additional ships, Dr. Vondy cared   care. All services are provided at no charge, except for
        for more than 300 patients, his only help one man and a boy.   medical co-pays.
            He became ill, and eventually Dr John Thomson agreed    Our hospice services are available to any of the
        to visit daily.  Dr. Vondy’s sister arrived to nurse him, but he   approximately 65,000 people in the Miramichi Horizon
        died on June 29, aged 26 years and only 27 days after he   Health Zone 7 Region.  We have created nine full-time, one
        volunteered to help the ill.                           part-time and six casual job positions.
            Although all the victims of the fever were buried on the   For more information on  Vondy House or Hospice
        island, the authorities agreed to allow Vondy’s body to be   Miramichi, contact us at or

         Cover Photo:  A painting in acrylic by Anne Maloney Assaff titled, Catch of the Day.

         Giv’er is about enjoying your day, giving it your all, putting some muscle behind it, giving it some gas, all the while staying
         true to good Miramichi values. Send us your good stuff to talk about on the river! We’re looking for events, stories,
         celebrations, pictures and articles about what’s up, what’s new, what’s happening.  Keep it positive, and we’ll promote it .

          Editor/Layout Design: Stacy Underhill  Ad Design: Cindy MacLean   Submissions:
          Giv’er Miramichi is published and copyrighted by MCG Media, a   Tel: 506-352-7668
          division of Mighty Miramichi Inc., PO Box 4166, Station D, Miramichi,   Facebook:
          NB, E1V 7K9.                           Web:

          With the participation of the Government of Canada.
                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  3
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