Page 38 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 38

"IS HE AWAKE?" - A Last Toast to Old Matt Daley

        By: Thomas Daley

            Death is something we have                                                   This June, Character Matters
        come to fear more than pretty much                                           Miramichi and myself are happy to
        anything else.                                                               present "IS HE AWAKE?" A Last
            Certainly the images of death that                                       Toast to Old Matt Daley, an Irish
        bombard our screens constantly,                                              Wake Comedy. Yes, you read that
        along with the accompanying crime,                                           right it is a COMEDY.
        destruction and wars are a cause for                                             I believe comedy is needed
        reflection on what an abysmal failure                                        more than ever when death is near
        we are as a species.                                                         by. I can't think of a greater feeling
            We don't like to think about                                             than to be able to face death with a
        death, it is more convenient to push                                         smile and a joke knowing that I
        the thoughts to the future. Something                                        have completed what I wanted to
        we will deal with when we aren't as                                          do here and am ready for what
        busy or...when we are older.                                                 comes next.
            But at any given moment our                                                  This play was very cathartic to
        fragile existence could come to an                                           write and I have put more of myself
        end whether from a tumour we didn't                                          into this than anything I have
        know we had growing inside us, or a                                          written in the past 20 years. It is set
        STOP sign we didn't see, until we                                            in Barnaby River.  The tiny
        heard glass shattering.                                                      community where I grew up.
            We don't like to talk about death                                            It is a love letter to Irish
        either.  Whether it's running into                                           comedy. From the brilliant works of
        somebody we vaguely know at the                                              Martin McDonagh to the zaniness
        grocery store who lost someone close                                         of Father  Ted. It is filled with
        to them or we are standing        Character Matters presents an original play written   quirky characters and witty
        awkwardly in the receiving line next   by Thomas Daley, "IS HE AWAKE?" A Last Toast to   dialogue.  The sort of stuff that
                                          Old Matt Daley.
        to the casket of someone we deeply                                           piqued my interest in acting years
        loved. We never know quite the right                                         ago.
        thing to say.                                              More so it was inspired by my real life, from stories and
            Death.                                             events, jokes and tales, a one-of-a-kind culture that I
            It makes us uncomfortable.                         experienced as a child without even fully knowing it.
            But this wasn't always the case.                       I hope you will come out and see what I have been
            Our ancestors lived closer to death than we do.    stewing for the past 40 years.
            At any time, bad weather, a crop failure or a simple
        infection could end their lives...or their children's lives.    Showtimes
            They lived closely with nature and witnessed the struggle   June 14 & 15: In Renous at The Folklore Park, at 7pm each
        animals go through to survive and their much shorter   evening.
        lifespans.                                               June 21 & 22: In Newcastle at The St. James & St. John
            Death was a much more regular visitor in those days. As   United Church Centre,  at 7pm each evening.
        a result, a unique relationship with death grew, it couldn't be
        avoided so when the time came it might as well be accepted.   Tickets are $25 and available at the door.
            It was the end of a life. Sometimes remarkably long,
        often painfully short. Whatever the case people needed a   RSVP.
        ceremony to commemorate the end of life.     
            In the Celtic countries, a very special goodbye ritual took   Or by calling 506-251-2843
        form. It involved a couple of days worth of celebration, with     Don't forget to follow Character Matters
        food and drinks, music and storytelling, friends, family,   Miramichi on Facebook and Instagram.
        neighbours and even rivals came to take part in the event.
            It still lives on today. It is called a Wake.

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