Page 37 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 37

The Key to a Good Staycation

                            By Cindy Lou, Educator of Positive Thinking, @cindylouscorner

            We all love vacations. Vacation meaning:  a period of
        suspension of work, study, or other activity usually used for
        rest, recreation, or travel: recess or holiday.
            Going somewhere different, gives us a different
        perspective on life. We immerse ourselves in the freedom
        from what we do on a daily basis and indulge our minds and
        bodies into our forbidden pleasures, such as favorite foods,
        beverages, and the pure bliss of doing nothing.
            Traveling to other countries is a wonderful experience,
        you can learn about other cultures, customs, languages, food,
        etc. I love to travel, and I travel a lot.
            I also enjoy staycations. I recently just did one. It was
        fantastic. The key to doing a good staycation is deciding to
        become a tourist in your own town or area. You need to do
        your research a bit to find out what touristy and unique things  •  Make a plan and book tickets for the events you want to
        people travel to your area for. You would be surprised how  attend ahead of time (that way you are committed and it isn’t
        interesting where you live is to other people. People pay  easy to cop out.)
        money to travel to your area of the world to see things or to  •  Start each day the way you would if you were somewhere
        participate in local events. And here you are, you don’t have  else. If its coffee at a coffee shop, do it. If you have kids and
        to travel very far and you can sleep each night in the comfort  it would be breakfast out, then do it.
        of your own bed. Or you can check into a local bed and  •  It is important to put your mind into vacation mode just
        breakfast or hotel or camp in the backyard with the kids.   like you would if you were traveling somewhere.
            If you choose to stay at home for your vacation, it is a  •  I highly recommend staying a couple nights a local bed and
        must to lay down some rules for yourself. A vacation is  breakfast or hotel, just to give you that real feel of not having
        supposed to rejuvenate you and replenish your soul.  A  to take care of day-to-day chores in your own home.
        staycation should not be spent doing renovations on your  •  And most of all, appreciate those moments of stillness
        home, yard work, or a deep cleaning of your house. Although  with the ones you love, watching the sunset, looking at the
        sometimes having the time to do that without distraction can  stars, watching a sunrise, being in awe with the magic of life.
        be uplifting. You still need to put some time aside for doing  The simple and precious moments only time can provide.
        fun things and things you wouldn’t normally do.            Whatever type of vacation you choose, make sure it will
                                                               support your desire to feel refreshed and inspired when its is
        Here are some tips for creating a staycation:          over. Enjoy!
        - Do your research like you would if you were traveling
        somewhere else

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