Page 29 - Mighty Miramichi River Guide 2024
P. 29

Dare the Dark

                              Headless Nun Experience

            As the days grow longer, and the  George   Hwy)    every   Monday,
        sun rises higher in the Miramichi sky,  Wednesday, and Friday, in July and
        the shadows retreat and begin to  August, at 9:30pm, and tickets are
        coalesce in the dark recesses of French  $20...a head.
        Fort Cove, preparing for the season     The cast from Character Matters is
        when adventurers from near and far will  once again out in force this year,
        Dare the Dark.                       providing two unique experiences, on
            Once again, this summer, Character  alternating weeks, throughout the
        Matters Miramichi invites you to go in  course of the 2024 season.  The
        search of the Headless Nun, who haunts  temptations of the tour guide Mammon
        the scant remains of the 18th Century  will entice you and your guests, when
        French fortifications and the last  you join him on the trails and hear his
        vestiges of 19th Century industry.  account of the death of Sister Marie
        Experiences will leave the Over the  Inconnu and meet those who were
        Cove Zipline building (1111  King  present when her life was cut short on
                                             the bridge that spans Crow Brook. Of
                                             course, maybe you’ll journey with the
                                             wise and artful Fiona Finnegan, and
                                             listen as she tells the tales of those who
                                             sought the treasure said to have been
                                             buried in the Cove and found something   for yourself and learn why Sister Marie
                                             else instead; forever denied the     can never rest in peace.
                                             opportunity to profit from the lesson   The Headless Nun stalks the Cove
                                             that some things are best left buried.   once again, every Monday, Wednesday,
                                                Immerse yourself in one of New    and Friday this July and August. Private
                                             Brunswick's oldest ghost stories, on this   tours are also available, upon request, in
                                             haunted walk through a time of conflict,   the months of June and September. Follow
                                             disease and unimaginable cruelty.    “Character Matters Miramichi” on social
                                             Encounter the heroes and villains, who,   media for further details, or  email
                                             centuries ago, sacrificed, shed blood,
                                             and shaped the legend that lives on     Legends never die and neither will
                                             today. Experience this interactive tour   the call to Dare the Dark.

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