Page 23 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Summer Giver 2024
P. 23

How Does Your Garden Grow?

                             Verica Leblanc       George Bowie                              Linda Vautour

            It’s time to show off your garden!  Tips and tricks for capturing  details that make your garden special.
        We know you put a lot of love and  stunning photos of your garden.        Close-ups of vibrant flowers, delicate
        attention into your flower gardens so   Lighting: Pay attention to the  textures, or busy pollinators can create
        get your cameras ready, and let's  lighting conditions. Soft, diffused  captivating images.
        showcase how your garden grows!      lighting in the early morning or late   How to submit: Send your photos
             In the Harvest (August) and Fall  afternoon tends to be the most  to with "garden
        (October) issues of  Giv'er  magazine  flattering. Too bright midday sunlight  photos" in the subject line. Include your
        we'll have a section called "How Does  can create overly contrasted images and  name, the plants name, and any other
        Your Garden Grow” and will be  shadows.                                   details you want to provide such as
        accepting   submissions  up   until     Composition: Experiment with  where you live, or a brief description of
        September 13.                        different angles, perspectives, and focal  the photo and what makes your garden
            Whether you have a tiny balcony  points to create visually engaging  special.  Photos should be high
        garden, a sprawling backyard oasis, or  images. Consider including elements  resolution meaning not re-sized or
        a community garden bursting with life,  such as pathways, garden structures, or  reduced for emailing (choose “send
        we want to see it all.  Photos may be of  unique plant combinations to add depth  original size” if prompted from your
        your entire garden, or a close-up of your  and interest to your photographs.   phone). If you're not sure, email us a
        favorite bloom.  Vegetable, fruit, and   Details and Close-ups:   Try  question! - Stacy Underhill,  Giv’er
        wildflower gardens are welcome too!   zooming in to capture the intricate  Magazine

                                                                                 Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media  23
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